I would like to contribute to this „payment discussion“ with my experience... so how you could learn something from mistakes I have made...
While submitting my FSW application for the first time (in 06/2014) I paid the cost of fee (550 CAD) with direct bank deposit, following the instructions read on the official web site of the Vienna visa office. The officer in charged for inital screening of the appication returned it to me, with the explanation that the fee was not received???

In that application, I send the original bank deposit draft as well as th bank transactions for the account, but since he/she returned it to me all of that was not enough to him/her.
Afterwards (3 months passed from the sent date in June till application came to revision only for inital screening + 2,5 more weeks it traveled back with response to Croatia), I send
the same documents (begining of the November) with a little change in the fee payment form (IMM 5620) stating this time that CIO can charge my credit card for the fee, and it went well – the fee was finally charged...
Although I considered bank draft to be the safer choise of payment, so that was my first option, it turned out that it was not the best option. Bearing that in mind I strongly suggest to anyone that credit card is the option whith which you could eliminate the possibilities of the (possible) error during any sort of fee payment. Eventhough it is not the safest option it is the quickest and the most reliable one!
I hope my experience would help other people not to make the same misstakes I have made - it cost me at least six months any by this time I could have my PR in my pocket...
P.s. If someone is interested I could publish the document where I read the instuction how to make the fee payment with bank draft...