Standard The guys said if they need to wait a long time for visa ,then they will go in some other country ,if Canadians do not like our money someone else love .
Basically they are not happy with foreign workers or students ,because this people can find job and be a better students from Croatia or Romania than most of the Canadians .
And some countries are on the black list Romania,Macedonia Serbia,Bosnia ,Kosovo etc some of them are part of European union.
I know it is their land ,their rules ,so we are not welcomed OK .
But they should put that on web site of embassy .Like USA ,Swiss ,and some other countries
Our visa is lottery ,you paying that lottery with visa fee ,we will pull candidates when ever we decide.
And we will explain to our employers , universities ,to our elder people why we do this like that .
It is only honest way .
And they will have zero problems with visas