Hi there.
I've just been accepted to SENECA college for their post-graduate brand management program in the Fall of this year. Now, I have to apply for a student visa, of course, but before I do I need to ask a question regarding my tuition financing :
Seeing as I don't have the full 22,000 in my own bank account at this moment to show the visa officers, my friend in Canada has kindly offered to fund my tuition and board for the year. He is not a family member at all... just a very old friend and I am really grateful for his kind gesture. However, I am now wondering whether this would be acceptable as proof of financial means? When I read the section of financial proof on the CIC page for necessary documents, it states that you can provide "a letter from the person or institution providing you with money". My friend would surely qualify as "the person" providing me with finance?
Anyway, I would really appreciate some input in this regard. I can wait until I have enough money in my account in June... but seeing as a student visa takes 16 weeks to obtain in my country ... it would be too late for my course start date!
Thanks in advance!