Hi everyone,
I need some help/suggestion.
In application forms, for Quebec immi. i found that I have entered wrong birthplace for my sister and mother.
As at the time of application we were not having any proper confirmed legal doc mentioning birth place.
and honestly it was an immature mistake on my part. and that too i realized when its already more thna a year now.
Please tell me, if I should leave it ( as my consultant says, doesnot matter because family means husband wife and kids) not mother/father/sister.
as they are not dependents, only dependents are hus/wife/kids and their information if required should be correct asap.
Please suggest in this scenario, should i go as my consultant says or shd i insit my consulantant to get my file updated at BIQ with accurate details,
i am assuming it might create some problems in near future for ex, if i have to sponsor them for canada or ask them to visit etc.