FSW in the current form may not start in the coming many years. Unless Canada find it difficult to find applicants for student visa and work permit. Canada require immigrants but it do not want to loose money on new immigrants who find it difficult to get job. Till an immigrant find a proper job he takes the social benifits, where as students visa applicants gets no social benifit and work permit applicants start paying taxes from day one.
Lets take an example. family of 4 ( husband, wife and 2 kids ) land and husband starts with survival job and gets the mininum wages. CRA pays about $ 9000 as CTBT, and other tax credits of about $4000. So this family pays nil taxes and get $13000.00 from CRA in the 1st year. and this can go for 2nd, 3rd and other years. As this immigrant failed to get a desired job as a second carrier get funding ( like OSAP) for his further education, get EI also in between. So this immigrant may take years and years to reach to a place where he is actually contributing to coffers of revenue.
Applicant with work permit lands, his tax deduction start from the 1st pay cheque,nil CTBT, $500-1000 tax credits.
So stopping FSW in the current form is more of a economical step than anything else. It is well discussed in Canada and the due to it consultants are telling that FSW will not start again. And that are right also, it will not start in new future.