Received a Schedule A request on the 6th September.
It said there should be no gaps and if I answered yes to any of the mandatory questions that I had to explain.
I sent back the schedule A with an addendum outlining all my activities with no breaks in the date (instead of 2016-01 to 2016-02 and the next activity being 2016-03, I put 2016-01 - 2016-03 and then started the next activity from 2016-03)
Apparently they are a bit picky about that so I clarified all that.
Also, I was issued an allowed to leave Canada notice because of a mix up at the border that meant I worked without status for a few months without knowing it (my immigration consultant told me I had implied status and the officer disagreed and I was given 2 weeks to return home which I did.) and they issued this to me at the port of entry. So I explained that I applied for an open work permit at the POE and had to leave Canada. If anyone can clarify my position here that would be great!
I'm hoping this won't affect my application!
I sent back in the Schedule A on the 10th so I'm currently terrified at the moment!

Note : I have well over a year's worth of Canadian experience without that work with no status so that should be covered.