I found something in the forum which explains the entire process. Hope this explains your question

GCMS Notes received after PPR was issued that explains my processing timeline from AOR to PPR
I ordered my GCMS notes for the first time on the day my application turned 5 months old, in order to receive it when the processing time becomes 6 so I would understand why it may pass the 6 months threshold. With Allah mighty blessings, I received my PPR 10 days later. The notes where issued the day before my PPR email was sent out, but it contains all the exact information required.
timeline on MyCIC
2015/07/17: ITA
2015/09/10: Submission of eAPR
2015/09/11: AOR
2015/12/18: Medical: Passed / Background Check: In progress
2015/12/22: Background Check: Not needed at this time
2016/02/14: Background Check: In progress
2016/02/15: RPRF request / paid
2016/02/19: PPR email (received it 3 days later, thanks to my lawyer)
Actual timeline from GCMS notes
2015/07/17: ITA
2015/09/10: Submission of eAPR
2015/09/11: AOR
2015/12/18: SUPPORT AGENT REVIEW: Preparing application for R10, Medicals: PASSED- Attaching my lawyer as a representative - Checking ECA is available - Checking IELTS - Requesting verification of Education - Funds - PCC - RCMP Check initiated
2015/12/19: AGENT REVIEW: R10 OK - PCCs OK - Education verified on WES - Criminality: PASSED
2015/12/22: AGENT REVIEW: Work experiences match proposed NOC - Reference Letters are verified - FSW and CRS scores are OK - Confirmation of marriage documents - Eligibility: RECOMMENDED PASS - Security check: REQUESTED
File transfer from CIO to CPC Ottawa - Workload redistribution
2016/02/14: OFFICER REVIEW: Confirm intention to reside in XXXX - Security Check: PASSED - Eligibility: PASSED - PR Application: ACCEPTED - RPRF : OUTSTANDING
Counterfoil: In Printing Queue
COPR: In Printing Queue
2016/02/15: OUTGOING MAIL: RPRF request
2016/02/16: INCOMING MAIL: RPRF Paid
- If your RPRF wasn't paid upfront, and you receive a request in a later stage (4 months or more), this is definitely a great sign of application acceptance.
- My application was literally untouched for 13 months post to AOR then most of the checks were done in a span of 5 days!
- IRCC work a lot on weekends, if you check the dates, you'll find a lot of Saturdays and Sundays.
- There are 3 types of reviewing personal: Support Agent, Agent and Officer. I assume the rank is ascending, and an Officer is the one deciding the fate of an application.
- Security Checks are the most time consuming elements of an application. After further research on Google and the forum, CSIS (Canadian Intelligence) receives a request from IRCC to conduct a Security Background check on all applicants 18 years and over towards CSIS databases, such as terrorism and espionage. CSIS also send requests to all intelligence agencies of all the countries you live in for 6 months or more. This is done as part of a global information sharing protocol (reference and confirmation is in research)