For ppl who seems to be upset for waiting, I waited a lot, but the light was always at the end of the tunnel.
- I submitted my first PR application in 2014 in the old system. After several months, I received all my documents with a 3 pages letter from CIC saying that they reached the cap and they are not accepting new application. They asked me to apply to EE system if I am still interested in the PR.
- I created my first EE account on Feb 2015 just to realized that my job in Canada and my Masters and PhD from Japan giving me big fat zero (I had no ECA or LMIA).
- The ECA that was not required for CEC in the old system and my work in the university made me exempted from applying to LMIA.
- Next, I got my ECA (sending transcripts from 2 different countries) and created my 2nd EE account in March as I canceled the first one due to that fact that I though I made a mistake that caused me to get zero in education and work.
- While waiting for the ECA, the CRS was dropped to 450 for the first time but I missed it as my ECA was still in progress.
- After getting the ECA, I waited for the CRS to drop again to 450 as my score was 453.
- After several months of waiting, I started to make ECA for my wife and asked her to take the CELPIP test so that we get some more points.
- I ended up with 471 point but still no ITA.
- The, Ontario announced its ON-PNP program but it was only for accounts created after June 1st 2015.
- I cancelled my EE account and created my 3rd account in June 2015.
- Few days later I received the invitation from ON-PNP to apply.
- I prepared the application and just before submission I got an ITA

- I was wandering which is better, going through Ontario thing that increases the possibility of being accepted or just apply to PR.
- Finally, I decided to apply directly.
- The EE system sent me an ITA as FSW while I have 2 years of Canadian experience, this means that I need to go through the POF thing.

- I prepared my application and documents and just before submitting, the EE system crashed (the crash after the end of July update - can you recall?).
- I had to wait for 10 more days to make sure that every this is fine but this required me to get statements for July as well and update my application.
- I submitted my application on August 4 and received the AOR August.
- Then had 4 and half months of silence. NO UPDATES AT ALL or GHOST EMAILS OR eCAS ACCESS.
- In one day (Dec. 18) I received and email from CIC requesting the Canadian police certificate.
- I checked my account and found that the medical passed, the BG started and 2 documents required.
- I applied for the required certificates and waited for them to arrive them I submitted them on Dec. 28.
- Jan 14 I received ghost email but no update.
- Jan 15 my account status changed to "Updated" but no update, then changed back to submitted.
- Jan 15 I received the PPR email

and a ghost email.
This is around one and half years of preparing, submitting, waiting and spending all my savings.
Just have some more patience and the happy news are coming.