canuck_in_uk said:
Seriously? Any legal maneuverings to be adopted by your mother will clearly be determined as an Adoption of Convenience and any attempt at citizenship will be denied.
11.11. Identifying an adoption of convenience/for the purpose of acquiring a status or privilege – A5.1(1)(d), A5.1(2)(b) and A5.1(3)(b)
If an officer determines that an adoption was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring a status or privilege in relation to immigration or citizenship (i.e., an adoption of convenience), the officer must refuse the application.
Officers must form their decision based upon factors of consideration which, taken together, could make a reasonably prudent person (balance of probabilities) conclude that the adoption has taken place in order to circumvent the requirements of the IRPA or the Citizenship Act.
Yes, surprisingly seriously.

This is the discussion I was looking for, good, bad, or ugly.
That seems like the winner for the adoption idea, but I still am not sure it wouldn't work if the angle was obfuscated a bit. The circumvent term seems to be a pretty solid argument for the government.
It seems for sure to do this there would need to be a disowning, and as far as I can tell, the only way my mother is not my mother is if I am adopted by someone else first. So to do it would be longer and more complicated than just waiting six years through the normal process. It would only be fun as an exercise in politics.
I have a feeling that once Labour loses power that there will be a shift toward abolishing jus soli citizenship, but that could be decades to implement. There have been murmurs about that, more than the US, but it seems very far down the list now given Canada has a lot of room to grow. I'm fairly certain that would help me if that did happen. In Europe it definitely has under revised nationality laws.
I'm quite surprised none of the Republicans in the US have mentioned the jus soli thing. I expected it to be a top priority after Trump assumed power, but perhaps this is a midterm issue to throw around. The idea that you are a citizen just being born somewhere is not very common. It's a pretty bad plan the way the US does it. You end up with anchor babies and illegal immigration that nobody has the guts to stop because it would break up families.