A few days ago I received a copy of my husband's file from POS and the VO stated that she received three wedding photos and a few emails from him. I was there with my husband and I am the one who prepared the file. We gave them 22 wedding photos and over thirty emails and ecards and all that was requested. I cried like a baby to know that the VO did that to us. She asked my husband why my previous marriage ended and my husband did not disclosed too much, because I asked him to keep it confidential. My ex and I had a serious court case and children were involved. I resubmitted all the wedding pics and court documents to show why my previous marriage ended. It was over 100 pages and it was a lot of work getting them together. This appeal process is hard work and now I know why these lawyere charge so much. I am pushing for an ADR and hoping to get one soon. I really want my husband to be here. I am fifty years old and spending every minute of our time together means a lot to us as we are getting older. I filed an appeal on December 24, 2012. I hope they will review the file and have a heart!