We are doing plan B. I am going to relocate to my husband's country, India. We went through the terrible process of spouse sponsorship. The rules and web pages do not advise the cruelty, invasive process, bias, racism and the many other painful and shocking aspect of sponsoring a spouse to Canada.
I am a born in Canada citizen and I am still coping with the shock of this terrible system and process. Take a look at the stats on marriage in Canada. Immigration reflects our now Canada society and it is not a mindset of marriage values. It's a nightmare for couples to be separated for months into years. I know the pain of all of you who have endured this for I have too. It's been a bizarre, insane experience. I believed Canada to be a free country.I found out just how racist Canada is too.( I am not Indian)
Currently about 1 in 10 born in Canada citizens live abroad. Good luck to all of those who choose to battle. Some like me and my hubby refuse to battle and make other choices to leave. I am excited to be going to another country and to reunite with my husband. India has much stronger family values then Canada. I joined some expat clubs and forums. These people are having great lives.
My husband and I have known each other 10 years and have a wonderful marriage. I hear the nightmare stories and know some personally. A Canadian man lives in China. Marries a woman and they have a child. His wife can not come into the country because they ruled the marriage "not genuine" ! Who on the outside can judge whether a marriage is genuine or not? No one. Yet couples get deemed all the time as guilty of something not done. It's a witch hunt process. I wished I have known all of this before we went through the process.
Good luck to all who decide to battle. I hope you find Canada is worth it. You have to go through a lot to even get married due to the laws here. Then have a lot to do in getting reunited and endure the pain and unnatural state of being apart from your spouse. That is love and that is a loyalty rarely found in most marriage made in Canada now a days. The battle is really about Canada life and is it worth it? It isn't for hubby and I. I went to an IAD meeting with letters from friends and family on both sides. I submitted evidence on how my husband not here affects all aspect of my life here. They said go to appeal and in saying that, said we do not care one bit about you or any part of your life or those around you. Then also have the arrogance to believe they know my marriage and husband better then me!
Pierre Trudeau once said. The government has no business in the bedrooms of it's nation. This is no less true today. They did the media stuff about marriage fraud. For the ones that came here on spouse sponsorship and sponsored another spouse in soon after this is a failure of the government. Because they failed spouses are kept apart while they do this totally bizarre assessments on genuine marriages?
When you marry someone from another country be prepared it is a 50 50 thing. Which country to live in. This world has 7 billion people in it with Canada's tiny part only 35 million. Lots of people do have happy and good lives outside of Canada. Was Canada life worth fighting for, for us? No. There is a whole wide wonderful world out there outside of Canada!