Last Friday/Saturday I got MR, RPRF, PCC request from Manila. Just after these req, 2 line turned into four lines in ECAS in the same day. I got linkedin view in private mode too in last week.
I have done my PCC request to Local Police Authority, finished my Medical which is uploaded already and did the Bank draft for RPRF and upon receiving PCC from Local Police Authority, hopefully will send everything to MVO by the middle of next week.
If you want to do the Bank Draft for RPRF payment, make sure you have a fnf known to you who has Bank account in SCB if you are not a SCB account holder. Because, from Jan 2015, SCB aint doing any SCB bank draft to non-account holder without a reference of a SCB account holder for such payment. They need a bank account because in case your case is rejected, that money gets refunded to the corresponding SCB account which saves long que in their Bank.
Alternatively you can pay online by Credit Card for RPRF. Either choosing following option A or B
A. if you have fnf in Canada/other places where online payment is possible, they can pay for you.
B. Get a credit card (i.e. from BRAC bank), endorse the amount in your passport, pay the amount by yourself in online,
In both cases, print the receipt which will come in email address, type your detail (i.e file number, DOB, UCI number etc) , and send it either hard or soft copy.
Thanks and good luck !