Let's assume 30% people in this pool were previous ITA holders; 650 people in the pool in two weeks is still a very fast buildup of the pool. CIC has lot of avenues in their hand to control the intake; this was just one (increasing the score); only CEC holders was another one; manipulating intake number is another one; and obviously allowing a resting time for the pool to build up is another one. CIC statisticians are doing a lot of A/B testing behind the scenes based on this very stochastic phenomenon. This goes in line with what they said that gradually they want to settle in a certain band of scores. They are just trying to see what bands will that be. 380-425+ is a very interesting band of scores for CIC to play in. I feel that 400+ is a very safe score for EE; it is just a matter of time.Karolis said:From the picture that I got from the forum quite a few people were rejecting ITA's. Maybe that impacted why they drew less and the score is that high.
It is an excellent maneuver by CIC statisticians; bet they were fed up by the threads on this forum every day predicting the next score.