robb83 said:
If we had year end 2016 figures we would be able to get a very accurate feel for our chances.
If 6000/9000 ITA's are being issued each month and we have approx. 2000 new applicants each week as long as a majority are below 415 we have a good chance of getting in.
I think we will see it start to slow down now though as going off the figures from the CIC website theres a lot of people around the 415 - 430 mark, so I imagine 4 point drops will be the norm and still see 3000ish ITA's
Agreed. I don't know why they have not published the 2016 year end report. We could easily predict then. 2000 new applicants each week seems a bit exaggeration though

i don't think that 2000 applicants are entering into the pool each week. According to the 2015 report:
400 - 449 13,537
440 - 449 2,486
430 - 439 2,842
420 - 429 2,185
410 - 419 2,899
400 - 409 3,125
you can see on average there are only 2700 applicant per 10 scale above 400. If you even multiply these figures with 3, you will get 8kish per 10 and assuming that there are no applicants above 434, 420 to 434 have a very good chance in coming months provided the number of invitation remains same per draw like 3000+
In addition to this, as this thread is for 420-425 lets take these scales (Keep in mind 434 above applicants all have the ITAs):
430 - 439 2,842
420 - 429 2,185
Now total is 5027 multiply it by 3 and you will get 15081. Assume as CIC keep issuing 3000 plus ITAs then in 2 to 3 months all above 420 will be getting ITAs. If there were so many applicants in the pool CRS would have come down in that pace so multiplying by 3 is worst case in my opinion. Keep hopes high guys lets see the next number of ITAs. Mora ITAs in next draw more chances for all of us.