I think I'm going to drive myself crazy

by constantly reviewing the spreadsheet and eCAS and we're only 38 days in. All the uncertainty around when my wife will finally be able to move here to be with me and not being able to plan anything. Could we be one of the lucky ones who gets COPR in six months which would perfectly coincide with the expiration of her apartment lease in the US? Will we be moving her over Christmas when I have more time off work? Will it be next year at this time?
Even though we think our application should be simple -- we're married, been together almost three years, I've only lived in Canada, never collected social assistance, she's a US citizen, no medical issues, no criminal record, etc -- there's always that little doubt that our application lands on the desk of someone having a bad day and decides to deny us. Every little thing plays into that. Two people who got AOR at the same time we did already have SA...why are we still waiting? (Even though I know the two SAs as outliers compared to the others, it still makes me paranoid.)
Sorry, nothing really to add to the conversation, just needed to vent. I hate to think what I'll be like as the process drags on for months. We just want to be together so we can experience all of life's normal daily moments that other couples get to take for granted. To not have to spend thousands of dollars on flights just to see each other, to start our family. Ack!