So it seems the request for additional documents is the last phase before decision made. This is distressing for me because we haven't received any correspondence from them. My health is deteriorating as it always does in the winter months and I need help, I cannot care for myself. My disability support program is willing to add my husband as a spouse as long as he has applied for PR (outland or inland does not matter) and is physically staying in Canada and help from any other source will cost too much for me to be able to afford so my husband is planning on moving here before PR has gone through to care for me. I know it's all legal but I can't help but be concerned they will deny him entry as he does not intend to return to the US until we receive his PR. What is worse is he will have to come to Canada to borrow my parents car for us to go back to the US and pick up his stuff, our pets and say goodbye to family and friends. Seeing as we have not received a request for additional information I can only assume that we are no where near the finish line even though his part went in process in mid to late August. Not sure the exact date as we were camping for several weeks during this time and it went in progress when we could not check on it. Any advice would be appreciated. I am just not sure if I tell the border everything or not, what do I say? Technically he is planning on coming back to the US but we don't have a date so if they ask and I say when we get his PR papers because we have to cross the border for them to take affect is that sufficient? Will they be mad? My disability support will be supporting both of us so if they are worried about finances they will be taken care of as soon as my hubby signs the papers with them which he has to be physically in Canada for. Do we just say he is coming for Christmas and not tell the whole truth? That then poses the problem of the animals which we will have to process as remaining in Canada regardless. Normally they just let him by no problem but with the animals they will have to send us to the side and I am worried about what I should do. I can be honest but it's not a straight forward situation and I am afraid that because it is so complicated that they will simply deny him out of it not being worth the hassle. Legally he can visit Canada for 6 months total in one year he is no where near that with maybe only 1 month in Canada in the last year but when PR has been applied for he can stay until the decision is made. So legally he can remain in the country just not work, which is fine because I will get enough on disability to scrape by, granted food banks will be visited but we don't really have another choice I need help and paying double rent for both of us leaves us with the same problems as we will have together. Sorry I am just so worried. Can they deny him for coming across the border to wait on his PR application? If that is a no then we can just be honest and the extenuating circumstances of my health don't even need to be mentioned. If anyone has any input please let me know.