Good report and some key information. Thanks for sharing.
Just a calculation (mostly on assumption basis)
Total application received = 1200 (March 600 against 3 weeks and April 600 assuming 3 weeks after which they will stop receiving)
Incomplete/Fund Problem/documents missing etc @ 20% = 240 (1200X20%)
Remains = 960 (1200-240)
Weak Settlement Plan/Resume @ 20% = 192 (960X20%
Remained = 768 (960-192)
Probability of nomination if complete and good settlement plan = 20% (150/768)
So the situation is not as bad as it was thought to be 8). Cheer up guys! If your application is complete and have good settlement plan and resume, 1 among five will be selected ;D. An excellent settlement plan/resume will increase the probability a great deal
