Hi Guys!! long time not seen but just to let you know! I'VE GOT DM!

SO, Aip Jan 7th, requesting medicals and fingerprints (done Jan 9th)
And Ive got DM yesterday NIGHT (around 20h!)
So anyone still waiting, just hold on! Your time is coming!
@QuebeCookie, what is the undertaking?
Im waiting for my landing letter to come from Montreal. I have the CSQ and Ill bring any other letter from CIC. And
the receipt for the 490$ that i paid on the website!
But I was wondering if I need proof of residence :S will the house inssurance work for that? Obviously hubby has his
License, RAMQ, but I dont know what else should I bring?
Is there a possibility that they'll reject you after DM, in the landing interview?
Im SOOOOOO nerveous but so happy at the same time!
God Bless and Good luck!