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2011 (May-November) Parents sponsorship applicants join here


Hero Member
Sep 13, 2014
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AOR Received.
kcdasoju said:
what you came to know is true, there were few cases on 2011 batch, check with ravi@yahoo, i think he too had change in family size,

its lots of work to go back and read all the posts, did you get your GCSM notes, looks like they are running slow this mothe. in my case i have applied for GCSM notes on 1st of July 2016 and haven't received my notes yet. last time i got them in 15 days

did your family size change, and did you inform them?

did you take any kind of social assistance?

in my case my file was pending Social Assistance and back ground check for three months. It is not justifiable that sponsorship applications applied six months ago are ahead in process than applications filed 6 years before :(

Yes, my family size was changed. One of my parent passed away. Yes i had already informed them.
Yes, I was on social assistance for couple of months.

It is understandable, they need to check all this.

But CIC should ask for, if any documents required and allot reasonable resources to process this in reasonable time.It is not justifiable that sponsorship applications applied six months ago are ahead in process than applications filed 6 years before :(


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2015
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Another-Immigrant said:
Yes, my family size was changed. One of my parent passed away. Yes i had already informed them.
Yes, I was on social assistance for couple of months.

It is understandable, they need to check all this.

But CIC should ask for, if any documents required and allot reasonable resources to process this in reasonable time.It is not justifiable that sponsorship applications applied six months ago are ahead in process than applications filed 6 years before :(
i hear you loud and clear, i was also in similar situation as you currently in, i was asking same questions that you are asking, but not much can be done,

if you throw sand up into the sky, it would fall on you own head,

i was little worried about the Quota for each year, i was told that if you file is in the system and you have qualified all the check you would be getting the visa but its matter of time

Life is short, i am sorry to know sad thing that took place with you, so you should consider for super visa

my parents are alone in india it has been six years, their health conditions are not good and they are not willing to come or go for medical

i think you should start thinking about supervisa


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2015
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AOR Received.
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Med's Done....
Another-Immigrant said:
The truth is , we won't get many people who can be effective for MP to start all this. As other post mentioned about petition and did not pass 66 people.


Also it was first time I had visited MP Office. I don't think MP will agree to start petition. But actually we can try to push MP office, as much as we can. Let see how many people read this and agreed upon.
Cgill started it and i basically followed each and every one who were active on this forum 2011 plus all the people on ksenya's list have signed the petition. at one point we tried to ask their spouse to sign it as well

if you need to have it pushed to 100 you need to take it out of this forum, something like social media

and in addition people who are from 2014, 2015 and 2016 batch don't like to support his too


Hero Member
Sep 13, 2014
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
kcdasoju said:
i hear you loud and clear, i was also in similar situation as you currently in, i was asking same questions that you are asking, but not much can be done,

if you throw sand up into the sky, it would fall on you own head,

i was little worried about the Quota for each year, i was told that if you file is in the system and you have qualified all the check you would be getting the visa but its matter of time

Life is short, i am sorry to know sad thing that took place with you, so you should consider for super visa

my parents are alone in india it has been six years, their health conditions are not good and they are not willing to come or go for medical

i think you should start thinking about supervisa
You said " i was also in similar situation as you currently in". So did your file was in secondary review? if it was how much time it took for "Decision made" ?


Hero Member
Sep 13, 2014
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Got GCMS notes today, quickly skimmed through it. It says Secondary review.

Does anyone know how long it takes for secondary review. OR every file is different :)

I had requested whole file under ATIP and , in the whole Doc , some pages are missing mentioned "Page xx is with held pursuant section 26 of privacy act. Does any one knows what those documents are and why withheld. It is my file and why CIC is hiding MY documents from it?

What other section of GCMS is important, that i need to look for?



Star Member
Jan 27, 2016
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APRIL 2011
Doc's Request.
JULY 2014
AOR Received.
OCT 2014
File Transfer...
MARCH 2016
Med's Request
APRIL 2016
Med's Done....
APRIL 2016
Passport Req..
NOV 2016
NOV 2016
DEC 2016
Hi guys need help what is GCkey and how it's works? Is GCMS and GCkey same?


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2015
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AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
I have a question, can someone who is ahead of me answer to these question

Back ground.
a. I am sponsoring my father and mother, so far I was using my UCI number that was provide to me at the time of initial application submission in Sep 2011, while we were submitting Additional documentation in 2015, we have submitted Use of Representative form and I will be representing my parents application. Sponsor (me) living In Canada, Principal Applicant and Dependent (my parents) are living in India.

b. In mid July I was informed that I have met the requirements to sponsor my parents and Application for Permanent residence of my parent (who are currently living in India) has been forwarded to Visa office in Ottawa for further Processing

Does anyone know on what basis the application is being forwarded to a specific Visa Office.

Going forward (to find out about the status on my parents application) will I be able to call CIC call center in Canada?

If Yes, should I be using my UCI number of my parents UCI number, where can I find my parents UCI number?

Will they be sending PCC and Medical to my parents via email of Regular Post, or will they be sending the same to me in Canada

My parents have visited Canada 8 years ago on Visit Visa and was trying to check if there was any UCI information on it, but was unable to find it

I have obtained GCSM notes, and it appears that there is a UCI number but its format does not match with what it was given on CIC web site, and was unable to use eCAS to check the status

I request you to help me in answering these questions please


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2015
Visa Office......
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Another-Immigrant said:
You said " i was also in similar situation as you currently in". So did your file was in secondary review? if it was how much time it took for "Decision made" ?
in my case in the month of April it said initiated Pre-Assessment, initiated Social Services Check, travel document check

in the month of June, i have noticed that, there as another Notes Line. it listed all the above listed checks and said received negative. and case pending officer review

after about an 45 days i have received approval

when i said similar, i meant that every one is going through Social Services check, (if you see in the Outgoing correspondence section of GCMS notes ) you will find they have send some letters to other department / agencies, and dates match with the Notes.

and you will see incoming correspondence dates too

read your Notes many times with different point of view, you will get some idea on what was happening.


Star Member
Mar 3, 2016
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
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Med's Request
May-2016 - Re-Med Mar-2017
Med's Done....
May-2016 Re-Med Apr 2017
Passport Req..
28-April 2017
kcdasoju said:
I have a question, can someone who is ahead of me answer to these question

Back ground.
a. I am sponsoring my father and mother, so far I was using my UCI number that was provide to me at the time of initial application submission in Sep 2011, while we were submitting Additional documentation in 2015, we have submitted Use of Representative form and I will be representing my parents application. Sponsor (me) living In Canada, Principal Applicant and Dependent (my parents) are living in India.

b. In mid July I was informed that I have met the requirements to sponsor my parents and Application for Permanent residence of my parent (who are currently living in India) has been forwarded to Visa office in Ottawa for further Processing

Does anyone know on what basis the application is being forwarded to a specific Visa Office.

Going forward (to find out about the status on my parents application) will I be able to call CIC call center in Canada?

If Yes, should I be using my UCI number of my parents UCI number, where can I find my parents UCI number?

Will they be sending PCC and Medical to my parents via email of Regular Post, or will they be sending the same to me in Canada

My parents have visited Canada 8 years ago on Visit Visa and was trying to check if there was any UCI information on it, but was unable to find it

I have obtained GCSM notes, and it appears that there is a UCI number but its format does not match with what it was given on CIC web site, and was unable to use eCAS to check the status

I request you to help me in answering these questions please

When you have received approval email/letter, that must have a file number. That file number start with F000xxxxxx. Use that file number to check the online status of your parents permanent residence. Use Identification type as Application number/Case Number, enter this file number, and further provide identification of your parents (parents last name, date of birth and place of birth) to see their application status.

Hope this will help.


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2015
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
rightback said:
When you have received approval email/letter, that must have a file number. That file number start with F000xxxxxx. Use that file number to check the online status of your parents permanent residence. Use Identification type as Application number/Case Number, enter this file number, and further provide identification of your parents (parents last name, date of birth and place of birth) to see their application status.

Hope this will help.
thank you very much for the advice. i was able to log in using my File Number and check my parent's information

but i have noticed some difference, is this normal

when i log in using my UCI, i see my father (Principal Applicant) and my Mother Dependent names

but when i log in using File Number, i see my father Names only, will there be a separate account for my mother too

and one more last question will be be able to order GCMS Notes for Parents too?

with regards


Hero Member
Sep 13, 2014
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
kcdasoju said:
I have a question, can someone who is ahead of me answer to these question

Back ground.
a. I am sponsoring my father and mother, so far I was using my UCI number that was provide to me at the time of initial application submission in Sep 2011, while we were submitting Additional documentation in 2015, we have submitted Use of Representative form and I will be representing my parents application. Sponsor (me) living In Canada, Principal Applicant and Dependent (my parents) are living in India.

b. In mid July I was informed that I have met the requirements to sponsor my parents and Application for Permanent residence of my parent (who are currently living in India) has been forwarded to Visa office in Ottawa for further Processing

Does anyone know on what basis the application is being forwarded to a specific Visa Office.

Going forward (to find out about the status on my parents application) will I be able to call CIC call center in Canada?

If Yes, should I be using my UCI number of my parents UCI number, where can I find my parents UCI number?

Will they be sending PCC and Medical to my parents via email of Regular Post, or will they be sending the same to me in Canada

My parents have visited Canada 8 years ago on Visit Visa and was trying to check if there was any UCI information on it, but was unable to find it

I have obtained GCSM notes, and it appears that there is a UCI number but its format does not match with what it was given on CIC web site, and was unable to use eCAS to check the status

I request you to help me in answering these questions please
One of my friend told me that, applications are NOW being transferred to VISA offices around the globe, depends upon how much load on a specific visa office. It is done to speed up the process. As the internal system is linked every where, so even persons are coming from New Delhi, but there application may be process at Ottawa Office.

UCI number should be only one and on the letter CIC sent you. So when you are logged in online CIC account. There are two options. Sponsorship Application Status and Permanent Residence Application Status. I am not sure (as my sponsorship application is not that stage) but there you may be able to see the options
Here is another options i can see when i am logged in

"The person you are sponsoring can receive instant email updates and more detailed, up-to-date case status on their permanent resident application by creating an online account. Find out how."


Hero Member
Sep 13, 2014
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
kcdasoju said:
thank you very much for the advice. i was able to log in using my File Number and check my parent's information

but i have noticed some difference, is this normal

when i log in using my UCI, i see my father (Principal Applicant) and my Mother Dependent names

but when i log in using File Number, i see my father Names only, will there be a separate account for my mother too

and one more last question will be be able to order GCMS Notes for Parents too?

with regards
As I had ordered "everything" on my file. ATIP told me to submit filled up form IMM 5744. This is form my parent allow me to get GCMS notes


Hero Member
Sep 13, 2014
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
kcdasoju said:
in my case in the month of April it said initiated Pre-Assessment, initiated Social Services Check, travel document check

in the month of June, i have noticed that, there as another Notes Line. it listed all the above listed checks and said received negative. and case pending officer review

after about an 45 days i have received approval

when i said similar, i meant that every one is going through Social Services check, (if you see in the Outgoing correspondence section of GCMS notes ) you will find they have send some letters to other department / agencies, and dates match with the Notes.

and you will see incoming correspondence dates too

read your Notes many times with different point of view, you will get some idea on what was happening.
Thanks for information,

As i had ordered the whole file, I got couple of things two times. For example in the whole 150 pages, CORRESPONDING is two time. One time incoming/outgoing is totally blank, Nothing in there. And in another CORRESPONDING, only under incoming is ATIP request. That ATIP request is that i had made to get the whole file.

At the end of all pages, A heading called NOTES. There are many subheading under NOTES is NOTES1, NOTES 2, NOTES3

Created date
Created By
updated Date
Updated by

Created date
Created by


So i recent notes NOTES1 has text mentioning that , i had requested file under ATI

Under NOTES: 3 it says "Pending Case transferred for secondary review-LICO , reason is family size change". One of my parent passed away

uneder NOTES: 4 text says

"No Checks required". Sponsor eligibility is in progress. Case pending review


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2015
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Another-Immigrant said:
Thanks for information,

As i had ordered the whole file, I got couple of things two times. For example in the whole 150 pages, CORRESPONDING is two time. One time incoming/outgoing is totally blank, Nothing in there. And in another CORRESPONDING, only under incoming is ATIP request. That ATIP request is that i had made to get the whole file.

At the end of all pages, A heading called NOTES. There are many subheading under NOTES is NOTES1, NOTES 2, NOTES3

Created date
Created By
updated Date
Updated by

Created date
Created by


So i recent notes NOTES1 has text mentioning that , i had requested file under ATI

Under NOTES: 3 it says "Pending Case transferred for secondary review-LICO , reason is family size change". One of my parent passed away

uneder NOTES: 4 text says

"No Checks required". Sponsor eligibility is in progress. Case pending review
Yes those notes are the observations made by Staff at CIC / CPC, they could be Call center agent too.

Note # 1 is the latest information, and as time progresses it will be pushed down, always notes # 1 is the latest

look for outgoing section too. be patent and hang on there, i think it should be done in next one or two months


Hero Member
Sep 13, 2014
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
kcdasoju said:
Yes those notes are the observations made by Staff at CIC / CPC, they could be Call center agent too.

Note # 1 is the latest information, and as time progresses it will be pushed down, always notes # 1 is the latest

look for outgoing section too. be patent and hang on there, i think it should be done in next one or two months
HI kcdasoju

Thanks for nice words with a hope :)

I have checked outgoing sections. As mentioned brfore there is nothing. This option/item is blank

I had ordered another copy , on end of July , lets see what it says :)