Why cant you go for ielts exams, so that your minds will be at rest. Written submission will only give you 8 points maximum and that is if you are a native speaker or with evidence of some publications in english.
Here is the analysis: Not necessary this applies to you, but for others who submitted written submission who may be reading this trend.
Education : 25
expeience: 21
Age: 10
langauge: 8 (full points for a Native english speakers)
Adaptabilty: 4 (if spouse is a degree/HND/3 years diploma holder)
Having a master degree, one may score 25-points depending on the lenght years of your education upto a master degree or PHD, but a master degree holder from Nigeria MAY ALSO SCORE 22-points according to (WES) education evaluation body, ESPECIALLY for those of us who had a 6-years primary, 5-years secondary and 3-years BSC and a 1-year master degree. We should Consider if CHC score a master degree holder from that category 22-points, then one is drop of 3-points and if one is not awarded the full 8-points on laguage (which is for native speakers or others who can submit further documents)then, that will be another drop in points.
My advice is that we should consider the submission of IELTS reports to avoid being short of points at a selection stage.