hi igbehinadara,
I applied in august 2005 and i emailed the chc accra to know my status. I got their reply below on the 22 march 2010
''Dear Sir/Madam,
This is in response to your email (see below).
Yes, that was true, i submitted my application form in june 2004 and i have received PPRF and medical request in march 2010. I hope my confirmation gives all old applicants the HOPE and pray in no-time theirs will arrive.
Be assured your application is in queue for review, however an exact schedule is not available at this time. As you know, all applications are reviewed in the order in which they were received, we are currently processing applications submitted in June 2004.
Please refer to the CIC web site for information on standard processing times:
No further action is required by you at this time.