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Search results

  1. G

    What are you getting your spouse for Christmas?

    You have a wonderful wife.
  2. G

    What are you getting your spouse for Christmas?

    I am nothing if not romantic so I am getting her a pair of Giesswein slippers for the Canadian cold and made her a calendar at Zazzle full of pictures of Nelson British Columbia where we are moving too.
  3. G

    Why Husband N Wife Fight's? How to make it better?To live a happy life

    At a distance it sure isn't easy. But I think there was some great suggestions. Dress up how your partner likes to see you. Have that dinner/breakfast via the computer. My partner and I are together but even together we we really work at it. We are have both had crap relationships so we know how...
  4. G

    Why Husband N Wife Fight's? How to make it better?To live a happy life

    Start talking and don't stop. Communication is the key. That and date night once a week.
  5. G

    Jokes! Something to ease the tension of this process :)

    A curious fellow died one day and found himself waiting in the long line of judgment. As he stood there he noticed that some souls were allowed to march right through the pearly gates into Heaven. Others though, were led over to Satan who threw them into the burning pit. But every so...
  6. G

    conjugal partner, same sex relationship

    I really don't know what else we can do. She has everything except this.
  7. G

    conjugal partner, same sex relationship

    We are same sex and doing common-law. We live together in the US. Has been a giant pain with our VO. I am seconds away from sending her a sex tape. That being said 19 is young to marry but that is your choice. I think your idea to marry her, and continue to live and work in the states then...
  8. G

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    Yeah you. That is wonderful. Hopefully we can get our stuff sorted soon.
  9. G

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    I guess you and I are the problem children of February. :'(
  10. G

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    It is appears she is cutting and pasting her letters together and not proof reading them. The first letter she sent us was also a bad cut and paste job. She seems to be asking again for the documentation but doesn't tell us what she wants. We sent her all the additional information she...
  11. G

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    Auurggghhh! Our lawyer sent an email to our IO asking what was up. She sent back an incomprehensible reply that our lawyer has now requested she clarify. Even our lawyer is WTF?!?!? We are doing an Access to Information request on her notes. And if she is completely outrageous then we will go...
  12. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I have everything crossed that this week we hear something. Our medicals expire in December. Will seriously suck if we have to get new ones. OK that is my old-timer rant done. :)
  13. G

    Advice Required for reporting false documents provided

    If you truly do not want to go to Canada and your wife wants to be there with her sister and parents then wish her well and get a divorce. You have a life to lead and don't have time to be wasting it by screwing up her's. If they ask for alimony say, "No, thank you". Unless you kept her as a...
  14. G

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    I have my fingers crossed for you.
  15. G

    immigration refusal of Husband

    I believe it was this one: http://canlii.org/eliisa/highlight.do?text=Lahoussine&language=en&searchTitle=Canada+%28Federal%29&path=/en/ca/irb/doc/2009/2009canlii32171/2009canlii32171.html
  16. G

    Another reason to come to Canada.....

    LOL I can hardly wait to get out of the crime-ridden cesspit we are in.
  17. G

    Having problem provide all required evidence to prove our common-law .

    And what we found out the hard way is if you can't provide something then you need to give the reason why you can't provide it. If only one name is allowed on utilities then say you tried to get your partner added but it is not allowed by your utility company. Get utility company policy...
  18. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I just saved an orphaned feral-no-longer kitty from my backyard. So I expect we should both get our PPR today. If it works you won't be able to get a cat for love nor money as everyone on this board will all go rescue a cat. :)
  19. G

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    Am curious about this too as our medicals expire mid December.