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  1. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Thanks It was a crazy long wait but so dang worth it. My Dad is over the moon.
  2. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    ROFLMAO - so sorry to inconvenience.
  3. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Well shut my mouth we just got PPR 2 seconds ago and I am crying my eyes out. We are calling everyone we know. Far freaking out we are so happy.
  4. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Dang I forgot about the 4 month long Spring Buffalo Wing and Beer Fling. Of course it all makes sense now. You can't type CORPs and PPRs and the rest when you hands are slick with sauce.
  5. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Just great there is a snow storm in Buffalo today and our VO will probably not make it into the office. Dang it I was hoping for some sort of answer today.
  6. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Well I would not have been surprised if it was. Sorry there is more than one incompetent lawyer out there.
  7. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I just sent you a personal message. Hope you got it as I would love to compare notes.
  8. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    OMG - We have the same guy. Did he give you a great sales job and then completely fall down on the follow through and then try to cover up his mistakes and then never apologize to anyone for making the mistakes?
  9. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I don't know about you but I have the Canadian Lawyer Code of Conduct on my desktop and he has been sadly remiss in his service. Does your guy have a first name that starts with D?
  10. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Oh heck no. I have had to light a fire under our lawyer's ass the entire way. This has been a complete clusterblank.
  11. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    OMFG - Our VO's boss just emailed us to tell us she has forwarded our email to the VO and asked for her response.
  12. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Our lawyer just sent a Quality of Service Complaint to our VO's boss. Hopefully, we can get moving here.
  13. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Thanks this is just crazy.
  14. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    At this point I consider a lawyer useless. No interview scheduled. So we will wait on the caips notes and see where we stand. I am just grateful we are together.
  15. G

    Can a citizen false accuse me?

    Fantastic!!! Don't forget to tell your manager on your exit interview that the other manager was the reason you are leaving.
  16. G

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Lordy I am suffering from bitter-sweet. It is so great to see that people are getting PPR (yeah you). But it sucks that we are still waiting. We ordered CAIPS again to see what is up. We really didn't want to spend another summer in the south but here we go again.
  17. G

    Can a citizen false accuse me?

    One of the best tricks I ever learnt from my mother was the following: If the manager or anyone else is a bully to you and says something out of line. Then say: "I beg your pardon. Did I understand you to just say <horrible rotten thing>." They usually say "No, No I didn't say that." Then...
  18. G

    sponsership for dependant children!

    If you are over 22 when you apply then you need to stay in school and be financially dependent on your parents.
  19. G

    Conjugal Partner Immigration Questions

    We are same sex and while living together as common-law the VO suggested we could be just room mates. So we had to send in even more proof. And we are still waiting. You will need a ton of proof. In hindsight I wonder if we shouldn't have just got married first.
  20. G

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    That is freaking awesome congrats.