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  1. B

    Sponsorship Question: Use a Lawyer or Self-Apply?

    Do not hire a lawyer. $6,230 is ridiculous. You're still going to have to do all the work. Best case scenario they help you review the docs and mail it in for you. Worst case scenario they give bad advice that winds up costing you more money or worse, time. Time and time again, we see people on...
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    I used to check multiple times daily. No change for weeks and weeks until on a Friday it went DM, but they also added in process but dated it 2 days prior.
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    Sponsership for Brother with Autism

    To specifically answer your question, yes, he can. However, as Scylla said, no one can tell you for certain either way but there is a good chance he will be refused due to an excessive burden on Canada's social/health systems. Good luck!
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    previously married, getting married to a canadian, PR application issues

    If the children are coming, they will need to be included on the forms, have medicals done, and have written, notarized permission from the other parent (there's a form for that). If the children aren't coming, they will need to be listed as additional family members. They will also need to...
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    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    Last year returning from holidays I did Sydney-LAX-Pearson. I would give yourself 3 hours at LAX. We had an hour and a half and it was EXTREMELY tight. It's a massive airport and if I recall, you go from the international terminal to domestic, which means collecting your luggage and rechecking...
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    What's with the hold up?

    You won't fully believe me and you'll continue to have anxiety until you get the mail, but the decision is a good one. They do not simply reject applications out of hand at this stage. If they had concerns, they would contact you and give you a chance to explain it or ask for an interview, etc...
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    Wife and stepson landed yesterday, no dramas!
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    Maybe not, but you have to go with the evidence you've got!
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    Spousal sponsorship

    You don't get to pick where your application is handled anymore. The whole package goes to Mississauga, Ontario and they decide from there what to do with it. Assuming the applicant is, in fact, Australian the chances of an interview are infinitesimal.
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    Condition 51 can be waived in cases of abuse such as yours. Write down all the instances of abuse. Then I would contact a lawyer and get them to advise CIC of the breakdown of the relationship because of abuse.
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    Words like "extrapolating" and "sample size" make it scientific by default.
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    Dependent child - working student

    I wouldn't worry about him having a job.
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    a question about pregnancy costs/insurance

    Yeah, but there's nothing like a quality threadjack to get you through the Tuesday afternoon blahs! With apologies to the OP.
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    Risk of waiting VO to request medical exam result

    +1 BrianDell, IMO first hand experience trumps opinion. I'll admit that I know nothing of how HK processes apps, but I would say in general if a visa officer is looking at an app, but can't proceed because anything is missing, then surely it will add time for the officer to send the resquest...
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    a question about pregnancy costs/insurance

    That's the sticky part. If neither parent has OHIP coverage and the only thing they have to show for immigration status is a document that has a "must leave by" date, then wherever they're staying is their temporary, not primary, address. The clerks on the maternity ward decide if a newborn gets...
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    a question about pregnancy costs/insurance

    As a direct response to the OP's questions, I agree, it is irrelevant. However it makes a big difference to the baby's coverage! If the father weren't an OHIP-covered Canadian, then this baby would not be eligible for OHIP coverage and my hospital, for example, would be adding $860 per day to...
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    a question about pregnancy costs/insurance

    Yes - feel free to PM me with any questions beyond what I've already posted
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    Spousal sponsorship

    Bahahahaha! Yes! +1,000,000 if I could for that bit of wisdom! So many people on here don't get that.