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  1. 81jim


    If you've uploaded them within the timeframe they asked for, it should be fine. They don't necessarily send anything to confirm receipt of it, which is annoying. I had this issue with them a couple of times when I had to upload documents - the first time, I got a little panicky about it, the...
  2. 81jim

    Expired Visa upon issuing it!

    Now that I'm not sure about. You could definitely argue your case, but I suspect they might have to retake the medicals eventually.
  3. 81jim

    Expired Visa upon issuing it!

    MP = Member of Parliament. To find your local one, put your postal code into https://lop.parl.ca/ParlInfo/Compilations/HouseOfCommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOC CSE = Case-Specific Enquiry. To send one of these, fill out the form here...
  4. 81jim

    Prove Marriage Genuine

    I suspect one big question for them will be what sort of wedding it is... in terms of size, and particularly in terms of family support. Will you have any members of your family there for the wedding? Do they approve of the marriage? Will there be a reception? Will there be a honeymoon? Also...
  5. 81jim

    Submission of the sponsor spouse file

    In your shoes, I'd probably contact whichever company it was sent with. I assume it has a tracking number, regardless of whether it was by courier or mail. In terms of IRCC sending the sponsor notification that it's been received, that usually takes at least a couple of weeks from when they...
  6. 81jim

    My Australian fiancé and his PR

    I'd say your chances should be pretty good. You say you're about to get married, so I figure you've got it all planned out... how big will the wedding be? Will he have family coming over for it?
  7. 81jim


    Don't forget to check your junk email folder as well, just in case.
  8. 81jim

    Account Query - Urgent

    I'll add a little something to this, since everyone is saying that MyCIC is better with updates than ECAS... it's true, up to a point. However, for me, the Decision Made update (you know, the important and exciting update that means an email is on the way soon!) was on ECAS far, far in advance...
  9. 81jim

    Health insurance

    Personally, I've just been attached to my wife's insurance policy through her employer.
  10. 81jim

    Flagpolling or appointment at CIC office? Please advise.

    Hey there, so she can do it either way, but if you want a quick(ish) idea of how the process is for the CIC office appointment, I posted my experiences here a few weeks back. Dealing with the call centre to set up an appointment is a little bit annoying (I'm assuming you're Toronto-based if...
  11. 81jim


    Just to add to the chorus of voices, to get rejected on those particular grounds is, apart from being highly offensive, probably not going to hold up at a higher level. Definitely lawyer up and fight this. Why that particular visa officer thinks that the two of you, as a committed and monogamous...
  12. 81jim


    Thank you! Hope things start moving for you at the Bucharest office soon. :)
  13. 81jim


    Just wanted to give y'all a quick thank you for all your help throughout the process! Also, I guess I can add something which might possibly be more useful to people... just a note or two about the landing process for me. Now, being outland like the rest of us in this thread, but already being...
  14. 81jim

    Spousal Sponsorship Birth Certificate for Applicant

    I'm not 100% sure on this one, but I did have a quick look at the CIC site, and they don't have any particular country-specific instructions for South African birth certificates, and a quick look at the South African Department of Home Affairs seems to suggest that only babies born in wedlock...
  15. 81jim

    Supporting Documents In Application

    Personally, I added a brief cover letter (just one page), thanking them for considering our application and providing a list of contents (with page counts for each), in the same order that I put them into the envelope. For multi-page supporting documents, I wrote out a page number on the top...
  16. 81jim

    CIC saying they couldn't find the application I sent! What should I do now?

    With FedEx, it should be signed for on arrival, right? Did FedEx register it as being delivered and signed for?
  17. 81jim

    Decision made

    Decision Made tends to be good news. Expect to get an email with the passport request in the next day or three (noting that the Easter Long Weekend might slow things down a little).
  18. 81jim

    Landed! Thank you :)

    Congrats! Hope you don't mind me asking a silly question - I've got my COPR coming through soon (hopefully today!) and I'm weighing up a border run (I'm in Toronto, and I'd go down to Niagara if I did...) vs going to a CIC office. As I don't drive, I was wondering if they have any provisions for...
  19. 81jim

    Approval Letter

    A silly question, perhaps, but it's worth making double-sure that the email didn't end up in a spam folder? Otherwise, DELHI-IMMIGRATION@international.gc.ca seems to be an email address for more general enquiries, though maybe they'd sooner have you use the web form at the CIC site to submit...
  20. 81jim

    I need some help and support

    If you explain it to your interviewer like you explain it to us, I think you'll be fine. Hotel bookings and that sort of thing can be useful to show that you've taken holidays together, my wife and I sent a lot of information (flights, hotels, pictures, etc.) for our holidays. Also, talking 4-5...