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  1. moochops


    Yup I hear ya, I called them last week in the feeble hope that my redone meds were showing in the system (I know its only been 5 weeks but hey you can hope). And they weren't. :-\ Joy.
  2. moochops


    I have our celebratory booze on ice ;)
  3. moochops


    Thanks :-* you need humour to keep going right ;)
  4. moochops


    Wicked awesome news to both of you :)
  5. moochops

    Medical Examination, passed 2 of the 3 but 3rd I got to re-do. Question.

    I think this is being blown out of proportion. 1) the op went for meds 2) she was recalled to redo a urine sample (as was I) 3) we don't know for sure what they look for 4) certainly my DMP didn't transmit the results of all of the medical until I had been in to do the retest 5) yes it delayed...
  6. moochops

    Medical Examination, passed 2 of the 3 but 3rd I got to re-do. Question.

    You don't need to pay that much - all i paid for was a resit of the urine test (though granted I was a bit aggreived to ppay $50 for the priviledge of peeing in a cup again)
  7. moochops

    Medical Examination, passed 2 of the 3 but 3rd I got to re-do. Question.

    Nope doc just prescribed me pills, i picked them up and its fine. But, the point is, they know what it is (ie nothing to worry about), blood in urine can signify (I would think) a whole manner of things from not serious to definitely serious. Go and do the test
  8. moochops

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Thats very shaky ground that you are implying there has been some form of discrimination. It is not CIC's fault that some of the applicants in these cases are from countries where fraud is higher than others, and therefore more stringent background checks need to be conducted. Don't blame CIC...
  9. moochops

    Best way to bring a canvas photo to Canada? Suggestions anyone?

    I bought one exactly the same as you over (though granted not as big) so I know exactly the kind of thing you mean, it's like a canvass effect photo on hardboard. (mine was of my daughter, me, mum, and grandma - the latter no longer with us) so it's a pretty special picture to me. I wrapped it...
  10. moochops

    Medical Examination, passed 2 of the 3 but 3rd I got to re-do. Question.

    Go in next week and take it, if there's still blood in it then there's something wrong (other than the obvious) and whilst you won't be refused on that basis for sponsorship, at least you will have found out that you need medical treatment. I seriously have nver heard of anyone refusing to...
  11. moochops

    Spouse WP refused........Can she apply for Visitor Visa?

    There's absolutely nothing stopping you applying however they will have the first refusal on file and that will in some way have a bearing on this decision - ie why all of a sudden are the circumstances so different? If you want her to visit you need to have a watertight application.
  12. moochops

    Food for thought - marriage fraud and scam-artists

    It totally amazes me how anyone can lie for that length of time and that convincingly. Holy heck I can't even hide a new pair of shoes in the closet without feeling guilt ridden and then bringing them out half an hour later telling him the full price :o!!!!! Joking aside, whilst the system for...
  13. moochops

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    What an odd request???? It would seem imo that you should reply (enclosing any other info they have requested) but also quoting the second paragraph and enclosing proof of your intentions to settle in Canada once pr is granted (thats what thy usually ask for when citizens are abroad and...
  14. moochops


    I'm lucky that I am actually in Canada with my husband, so aside from the 'not being able to go to work, bored out of my mind, can't repaint anymore walls in the house to relieve aforementioned boredom' it's not as bad as some peoples situations. I'm trying to tell myself that this week i'll...
  15. moochops

    Do canadian embassy approve visa to applicants who have latent tb?

    if its just for a sowp then there is no need for a medical unless you are wanting to work in a proffesion of health care. so from that pov then you would be okay. As others have said it's just for your pr application that you would need a med.
  16. moochops

    Medical Examination, passed 2 of the 3 but 3rd I got to re-do. Question.

    I went and re did mine for the same reason, it'll only delay it be the amount of weeks it takes to go and take new tests, so in my case an extra week. although who knows how long it will take the VO to reasses the med info!!!!
  17. moochops


    Hi Zero i'm in the same boat as you, I had new meds requested in December (went for them 3 weeks ago). If its any consolation whilst I was chatting away with my DMP (turns out we have mutual friends lol) he told me that when they submit their reports to Ottawa following results of blood tests...
  18. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    congrats to all with PPR, yes my med re-request came from Ottawa, anyone have any idea how long it might be before I hear something, although I do believe I'm becoming quite the expert at waiting :)
  19. moochops

    What can we do?

    Thats good news for you to hear, though it does surprise me somewhat that they were so blase about "oh well you don't know how long you are gpping to stay ........." Canada doesn't let anyone in on the basis of "I'm just gonna hang around and see what happens." You need to remember you are...
  20. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    A quick update guys - I recieved a request for new medicals (not totally unexpected) on 17th Dec so it seems that everything is now 99% there. I go and take my meds on Wednesday and hopefully everything will be sorted in a couple of months. I's been a long road thats for sure :)