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  1. S

    parents sponsership joine here

    CIC officers are not bound by any deadlines that appear either on the website or on the files. They are bound only by the instructions given to them by the Immigration Minister. Most likely, it means the location of the file in storage - as opposed to being assigned to an officer A copy of...
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    PR denied at port of entry

    novembre2013 is correct. To be granted PR status (landing), the spouse has to either reside in Canada or accompany the applicant showing their intent to reside in Canada. May be that is the reason the officer refused granting the PR status.
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    sponsoring mother-in-law visitor visa

    A Visitors Visa (TRV) must be applied only by the person visiting Canada (you cannot apply on her behalf - at the most, you can apply for your spouse or children - not parents). T4 is not a requirement while applying for Visitors Visa. If you want to include documents to prove that you can...
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    Please help me!

    I am afraid, the OP has crossed that bridge a long time ago when he got his exclusion order. The question now is should he mention "worked in Canada or not" in his PR application. That is where the point of volunteering comes in - and explaining the nature of work. This is to show that the...
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    Please help me!

    Check if this link helps provide clarification regarding "volunteering". http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/institutions/work-volunteer.asp The OP has to mention that he volunteered/worked otherwise that would amount to misrepresentation especially when the OP has an exclusion order. I would...
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    Please help me!

    You could mention that you "volunteered" for your uncle (which you did). That way you are covered for misrepresentation.
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    parents sponsership joine here

    Type in New Delhi, India Select the date of last entry and then type in the point of entry. The form does allow one to type in that field. If it does not allow you, then update your Adobe Reader and try again. You can leave this blank. However, since you mentioned that your parents came to...
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    Sponsor parents - questions about form IMM 5409

    You are correct on both counts. For the first one, mark N/A on the checklist and for the 2nd, put a tick nest to "Marriage Certificate".
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    divorced before landing in canada

    If you talk about responsibilities, then it is your duty to contact CIC about the change in your marital status as well as your intention not to go to Canada at this point it time. It is always a good practice to close all chapters before turning to a new one. Just in case, further down the...
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    What does this mean?

    In some countries when a passport expires, they simply endorse the passport by putting a stamp stating "The validity of this passport has been extended to XYZ date". This used to be an old practice. Most countries would now simply cancel the old passport and issue a new one. If the expiry date...
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    Passport update after receiving CoPR?

    Will this help? It says one need not worry. http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/austria-autriche/visas/FAQ.aspx?lang=eng#a3 That aside, technically speaking PR gives you a right to stay in Canada forever. Hence if your passport is valid for less than 6 months should not affect your re-entry.
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    Passport update after receiving CoPR?

    I think there is a slight confusion. Let me see if I can help. You have to land by Dec 2014. And your passport expires August 2015. So when you land with your CoPR (before Dec 2014), that means your existing passport will be valid for more than 8 months. Hence this is not an issue at all. You...
  13. S

    Parents sponsorship -Ankara office Medical examination related question

    You cannot go to "any MD". There is an approved list of Physicians based on the location, from whom you can go to any physician. Check the link below. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/index.asp
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    pricipal applicant's spot at lungs in x-ray

    I assume you are trying to sponsor your mother. If there were spots in the x-ray, usually they ask for sputum tests to rule out active TB. The repeat medicals that you were referring to, were they specific tests that CIC asked your mother to undergo or did she just go through the normal medical...
  15. S

    Permanent Resident for Family Class Rejected..PLS HELP!

    If you had your PR Card (this is a thick card like a credit card, not the stamp on your passport), before you left Canada and then got married, then you do not have anything to worry. Simply state to CIC the date you became an official PR (check at the back of your PR card for this date). Send...
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    Permanent Resident for Family Class Rejected..PLS HELP!

    A couple of things to consider... 1. Did you get your passport back (stamped with PR visa) after Feb 9th or before Feb 9th? If it was before, then there is nothing wrong with your PR application. You were unmarried for the entire duration of your PR process. 2. Did you inform the immigration...
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    parents sponsership joine here

    (belated) Congratulations! Not sure who is updating it. Been a while since I returned back to this forum.
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    questions about landing

    The purpose of a "formal" landing is two-fold: 1. The officer has to determine that the person arriving is the person who was granted PR. Hence, the officer will check the passports, COPR to ensure that they both match. (S)he may ask related questions randomly to check if your responses match...
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    parents sponsership joine here

    Check this one out: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsdblSPzx93YdEFFWTNrSm8yS1gyU1N0T0VtLTN3OGc#gid=0
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    Best way to avoid the long processing time? Please advise.

    No, you are not running out of options. As you may be aware, the spousal application is split in to two parts (sponsorship - your portion and PR - your spouse' portion). It is the second portion that takes the longest. Sponsorship approval (stage 1) means that you are confirmed to sponsor your...