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  1. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Just a note: "So when it's time for everyone to compete fairly under the same rules..." Because there's no "time for FSW"... FSWs never receive special treatment.
  2. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    No one knows for sure how long this wave of CEC/PNPs is going to last, so if you're a FSW, don't rest still waiting for a miracle. Take advantage of that "standby" time for FSWs and look forward to improve your IELTS or learn french. When I did this back in March, when the CEC/PNP nightmare...
  3. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    That’s why you get extra points for professional experience in Canada. That’s the current rule. What bothers me is the fact that FSW and CECs are not being treated equally under the rules of the EE program. If the government wants to favor more CECs, then they should add a 50 plus bonus on top...
  4. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    But it is a competition. There isn’t 2 separate polls. For one to get an ITA, another one won’t.
  5. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I do understand your argument, but... you choose that path. You choose to come to Canada study, and I'm pretty sure that if you're here for that long, you probably already know how Express Entry works. You know what you have to do to achieve 470+. Have you worked towards that? I live in a...
  6. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I totally get how CEC candidates are happy now. I certainly would be as well if I were on their place. But, I would never try to argue that this is fair. Because I know it isn’t.
  7. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    They do get results: points for their Canadian experience and Canadian diploma. If even with these advantages they can’t compete with FSWs, than it means they need to improve their scores, just like FSWs have to.
  8. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I feel so sorry for all the FSWs that were ready to receive their ITAs. Man, it’s so frustrating. I really hope this wave of CEC draws is sorter than the first one.
  9. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Used Busuu app for about 6 weeks, going through Basic1/2 and Intermediate 1 courses. After that, I pretty much started to consume real content on youtube (with reduced playback speed and subtitles) and read a ton of french news websites, changed all my devices to french, started receiving news...
  10. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Just change your strategy. You're focusing your energy in something that will not bring you a lot of points. My path was very similar to yours... I was seating at 469 on January 2020, eagerly waiting for -2 points drop in the cutoff. That was when I realized I could learn **just a little bit**...
  11. J

    >>>>>>>OCTOBER 2020 AOR<<<<<<< Join here

    Mine also change from “your action is required” to “submitted”. But I believe it’s linked to the 30 day period after the BIL. I’m a FSW Outland.
  12. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    This is just a hope. There's zero, z-e-r-o statements from official sources that stated the amount of extra points that would be given to students in Canada. If these points would even exist, to begin with. The only thing that was said is that they would consider ways to support international...
  13. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I feel exactly the same. I see a lot of people from my country on Instagram showing all the struggles that they face as international students and frankly, for the vast majority of them, if they don't get a PNP invitation, they probably won't get a PR. It's just such a high risk, I wouldn't be...
  14. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I keep saying this to the people from my country, and I say it here as well: instead of spending your entire life savings into a very standard/mediocre course (that probably won't teach you much), try a more efficient strategy: spend 1 more year in your country, and simply learn French. It's...
  15. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    For the draws that had cutoffs higher than 471, I calculated only the 471-600 range. for the last 2 ones, I added the 461-470 as well.
  16. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Here's the math: (10848-(12007-(5000-2174-185))+3345+413)/14 10848 = number of people in the 461-470 range on draw 169 12007 = number of people in the 461-470 range on draw 168
  17. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I must admit I was shocked that the influx of candidates increased *drastically*, compared to previous draw. Draw Interval ITAs CRS 471-600 600-1200 RATE (candidates/day) 163 14 4200 472 4946 331 217 164 14 4200 471 3950 342 205 165 14 4500 471 3785 454 264 166 23 4500 478 5850 998...
  18. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I know some people from my country which are in the exact same situation (AOR around October, with Medicals in November), unfortunately. It seems these people would probably get their PPRs in March/April, but then IRCC decided to freeze their applications due to covid.
  19. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Yep, I lost the last 469 cutoff of 2019 by 3 weeks, because I was waiting for my ECA report. Because of that, I had to wait another 10 months to finally receive the invitation.
  20. J

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    On the previous draw there was 4764 candidates in the 471-600 range. I usually don't count PNPs, since the number is pretty random... sometimes we have draws with 200 PNPs, and in other occasions, 1000 PNPs. So, it's impossible to measure/predict the influx of candidates in the 600-1200 range...