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  1. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    no all feb ,march applicants dont have acess to online portal, thanks to IRCC discrimination :mad::mad:
  2. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    do we have citizenship forum already share the link please?
  3. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    how you sent it? please keep us updated if you hear anything? did you call IRCC , did they update you anything? when was your photo delivered to VO?
  4. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    web forms is different , did you submit this Solemn Declaration form? what happened any response or udpates?
  5. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    current Procesing Time is 50 days, All Feb and March Applicants have crossed that already and it is more than 6 weeks already so then all the FEB and MAR appliacnts should Submit the form? but we know IRCC is slow and they are processing Feb and started MAR recently(with discrimation to FEB and...
  6. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    ok thanks @Alpa007 did you or you know anybody else submit the form? any updates?
  7. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    what is solemn declartion? and why we have to send photo again? do IRCC ask for it to resend photos again?
  8. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    its illegal to courier the PR card , never do that, you have to apply PRTD else there will be lot of questions at the border. think about it
  9. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    welcome to the club @priduds , lets wait and keep us udpated, in the mean time if some one is able to talk to IRCC , please udpate us here whats happeneing if you hear from them anything from the IRCC
  10. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    I think we all are in the same boat, @mehranjadoon ,@AshishS87 ,@backto1983 ,@JTJ please keep us updated if any gets GU or any updates? also, did you guys mail your photos of each family member separately or combined?
  11. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    Me too same timeline , waiting since March :( , Super sad that all Feb and March people are waiting so long no updates, but after June ppl are getting quickly less than a month, IRCC is so shitty ...:(
  12. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    Me too waiting since March , did you guys mail photos of all family members in one mail? also when was your photos delivered?
  13. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    so when did you get COPR for you and your dependents, also did you mail photos separately for you and your dependents?
  14. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    did anyone got updates or PR Card for those who mailed all family members photos in One Mail to VO Etibockoke?
  15. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    did you guys mail the Photos Seperatlely for you and your husband?
  16. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    i called them but they say it is not upated in system yet, so they asked me if i sent with tracking number? i said i sent it with regular mail, so they dont know too yet , its shame that they dont have anything in place to confirm the photo reciept. :(
  17. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    i asked them already they told there is no way to know for regular mail :( any other ways to confirm if IRCC recieved them?
  18. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    Did anyone sent photos by regular mail(without tracking) how did you guys get confirmation the the photo was delivered? please help
  19. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    me too sent photos march 25 still waiting :(
  20. kumar143

    PR card timeline (Etobicoke office only)

    @Silver Star did you mail the photos, what date photos delivered?