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  1. 1

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    That’s a good point about the risk of being refused entry, even if it is almost unheard of. I think the main reason people get concerned about it, is because IRCC constant reiterate how re-entry isn’t never guaranteed, and that the officer at the PoE has final say, etc. It seems they reiterate...
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    Undeclared marriage

    There seems to be quite a few people who haven’t declared children, spouses, previous marriages, etc. I had no idea so many people either forget, or lie about these things. As you’ve said, there’s very clear statements from IRCC on the application guides about this and they really don’t forgive...
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    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    I knew they’d approve it! There’s no way they’d do all that work with the payments if they hadn’t already decided it was approved. Great news. The eTA is valid for 5 years max, or the remaining validity of the passport, if less than 5 years. That eTA is the approval and authority for visa...
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    Spousal Visa

    No problem at all. Good luck.
  5. 1


    You can call the call centre, their details are on the IRCC website, the ‘Contact Us’ webpage. The numbers differ if you’re in North America, or in the rest of the world. Also on that webpage is the ability to send a case specific enquiry. I’m not sure how successful that would be though...
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    Spousal Visa

    I found this contact number for outside of Canada: +1 613 944 4000 And this where you can send a case specific enquiry: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/web-form.asp#q2 Hope that helps.
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    Need clarification my son with blood cancer he is 2 years

    I think people also get caught up in assuming that a lot of immigration departments for various countries are heartless and unsympathetic to everything. I don’t think this is the case here at all. I think IRCC would only deny an application on medical grounds if there was a clear threat to the...
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    Pregnant PR-Husband Visit Visa Refused

    I see, that’s good to know. I wasn’t sure if it was just citizens with an absolute legal right of admission, or if that included PRs too. It makes sense though, PRs by status, have all the legal rights of citizens, just no power to vote. I suppose if you don’t meet your residency obligations...
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    Pregnant PR-Husband Visit Visa Refused

    It’s very unfortunate that your husband won’t be with you for the brith of you child. I feel terribly for you both. IRCC can very strict on certain issues, and the CBSA can be too. Sometimes the decision making process doesn’t make much sense to people. A lot of people also don’t realize that...
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    Need clarification my son with blood cancer he is 2 years

    For economic migration, medical inadmissibility is a valid reason for rejection of applications. This, as has been stated by the other posters, could be due to excessive demand on the healthcare system. Or it could be on the grounds of communicable diseases that poses a risk to others in Canada...
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    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    Many thanks for letting me know.
  12. 1

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    Thanks for posting this. I was wondering how quickly the hard copy arrives. Out of interest, what’s in the envelope? Just the work permit, or any instructions/cover letter? Also is it sent recorded or regular mail? It’s always a little inconvenient if I miss the mail arriving and have to go and...
  13. 1

    Can my spouse cancel my PR

    Firstly, this isn’t silly, don’t think you’re wasting anyone’s time here. This is a real situation involving real people. You need some guidance and here you’ll get a few opinions and they’ll all be a little different. They could help shape the next few months, even years of your life. It’s good...
  14. 1

    My experience reentering without status during inland PR application

    Yes, I’ve read on one the IRCC webpages regarding implied status ending upon leaving Canada. I think IRCC perhaps feel it’s obvious that it ends upon leaving, as re-admission requires a new assessment by the CBSA in order to enter again and that entry comes with new status, the length of which...
  15. 1

    My experience reentering without status during inland PR application

    Agreed with all of the above. There’s a lot of ignorance regarding sponsorship for PR, some willful and some just born out of a lack of understanding. I’m amazed at just how unprepared some people are about one of the biggest decisions a person can make. But that applies to a lot of things in...
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    My experience reentering without status during inland PR application

    I can see the confusion, a lot of people make that mistake. IRCC make a point at the bottom of PR application guide to state that you must maintain valid status throughout the process. Relying on implied status for PR isn’t an option and they don’t mention the OWP processing in the PR guide as...
  17. 1

    Can my spouse cancel my PR

    You’re very welcome, the least anyone can do on a forum like this is to share any advice or experience they have. Sharing and helping is basis of this place’s existence. I can imagine how hard this situation is, and how tough to deal with it is. You gave up a life thousands of kilometres away...
  18. 1

    My experience reentering without status during inland PR application

    This is all very good information to point out. And you’re right to make the distinction that the implied status issue was indeed correct. It was the fact the application was returned that caused the implied status to expire, not that it was never in place. I sent in a visitor visa extension...
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    Can my spouse cancel my PR

    It sounds like a horrible situation to be in. If your marriage can’t be saved, then you need to be legally separated for 12 months before filing for divorce. This I know is fact for Ontario, other provinces may differ. If there’s no marriage fraud, despite what your wife may say, there...
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    Family class sponsor - Divorce?

    If it’s just a marriage breakdown because it’s not working out, then I don’t think you don’t have to do anything with regard to your wife’s status or contact IRCC. I would double check with the IRCC call centre to see if they need to be informed regarding your marital status changes. If...