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  1. 1

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    Awesome! Great news for you. Also it seems any Canada Post strike action has been postponed for at least a week, so hopefully your hard copy won’t be delayed.
  2. 1

    Can my wife visit the US for a few days while her spousal application is being processed with Canada

    Technically, she can. However, it isn’t recommend. Her readmission to Canada is entirely at the hands of the CBSA officer at the PoE. If you’ve started an inland application and are consequently refused admission after leaving Canada and attempting to re-enter, the application will be considered...
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    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    I received my hard copy in the mail today. Exactly a week to the day since the OWP was approved. Good luck to those of you still waiting, yours will be done before you know it.
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    Signing Forms/Dates

    Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it at all. They want the forms signed, that’s it. My dates were weeks apart in some instances, maybe a couple of months. No issues at all. Applications submitted with no issues, with the OWP approved already. I know what it’s like to second guess everything, and...
  5. 1

    Implied status

    I’m one of the people that did the visitor status extension just to be safe. It took a few extra hours of forms being filled in and $100, but the peace of mind was worth it for me. Just in case. I had to re-do a few forms since I first stated the application, all for mistakes that would have...
  6. 1

    IMM 0008 Education inquiry

    Someone with more experience may be along to give you a more detailed answer, but as far as I’m aware, I don’t think it’s of huge importance as to which you choose. IMM008 is a generic application form, thus, every applicant into Canada has to complete it. The categories probably assist in...
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    Signing Forms/Dates

    For sure, I didn’t mean to imply that anyone is wrong to reprint, or anything like that. I actually was going to do that myself, but my wife that told me not to be ridiculous and stop and think about how unreasonable it would be to expect someone to reprint every form just because the dates...
  8. 1

    Signing Forms/Dates

    Signing the forms at different dates and times won’t make any difference. By all means reprint and sign at the same time, but it shouldn’t be necessary at all. My forms were all printed and signed over a fairly lengthy span, in that time documents and forms were revised and had to be...
  9. 1

    Urgent peace of advice

    You’re welcome. Personally, I don’t think you’ll be needing to travel. It would be highly unusual. Sit back and wait for IRCC to do their processing, and call the call centre/send a case specific enquiry if you have any further queries. Good luck.
  10. 1

    Urgent peace of advice

    I’m almost certain there’s no way you’d be made to fly to another country to submit your passport/attend an interview. Either of those things would be carried out in the country you’re residing in. The moving of your file around visa offices shouldn’t have any bearing on that. Someone else may...
  11. 1

    Urgent peace of advice

    My apologies, I thought you were in Canada... Either way, the same process of transferring files around visa offices applies inland or outland. Are you an Indian national? I’d assume so based on the file being transferred to an India visa office. My understanding is that sometimes for ouland...
  12. 1

    Urgent peace of advice

    I remember reading that IRCC transfers files around its global network of visa offices based on workload. Normally, most inland applications will likely be dealt with in Canada, but they do definitely move the applications around if they need to. If you require an interview, it’ll be in Canada...
  13. 1

    US to Canada - Spouse Sponsor (Inland)

    Firstly, welcome! Secondly, with regard to your proof, I don’t think there can ever be too much. Someone on here is very likely to have been in your position, so they will be able to give you some specific advice. As for convincing IRCC that your marriage is genuine, explain with a letter in...
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    What to do?

    Glad you’re making progress! It’s complicated all this paperwork, but it’s not that difficult when you take your time. You start to understand it fully and it’s almost second nature. You can submit an OWP application with the PR application, there’s a separate guide to help with completing...
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    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    Really not sure about that. Theoretically it does make sense, but if they aim to process in chronological order, then it likely won’t make a difference.
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    status changed to Decision Made

    That is your landing interview, so congratulations! The process is complete and you’ll have a brief interview with your spouse at the Immigration Centre, and after that you’ll officially be a permanent resident. You’ll receive an e-mail or letter soon letting you know the date and time you’ll...
  17. 1

    Security delay – how to bridge an expiring PGWP?

    I was actually replying to another e-mail on my phone, saw the e-mail stating this thread was updated and had to see what the outcome was. Such a curious case. As for conceding to the lawyer, as someone who’s not a lawyer, I’d have to be monumentally ignorant to argue they’re wrong. You’ll get...
  18. 1

    Security delay – how to bridge an expiring PGWP?

    Awesome! Good news for you both. If a lawyer says it’s ok to carry on working, then I wouldn’t question it. I believe the term ‘Open Work Permit’ literally just denotes a work permit that doesn’t restrict who you can work for. There are still restrictions on industries, like how spousal OWPs...
  19. 1

    Canada visit/wait for PR - Outland Application Italy

    As others have said, be honest and don’t hide anything. Your husband is a visa exempt foreign national, married to a Canadian with two Canadian children. That doesn’t seem high risk to me, but I’m no expert. You’re also pretty far into the PR process, all details will be on the immigration...
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    Canada visit/wait for PR - Outland Application Italy

    This is also similar to my experience too, and until recently I thought was the most common scenario. There’s been a few threads where people have been given a grilling by the CBSA officer, yet still ultimately let in. It makes me think whomever has been given the grilling, has given the CBSA...