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  1. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Don’t put all your bet on it... hard to say what could happen after the election... If I were you I’ll try whatever I can to improve the CRS before year end
  2. I


    I believe IELTS LRWS 6666 = CLB 7. So your previous IELTS-A result is almost there and considering the reading & writing part in IELTS-G are easier than IELTS-A you should be just fine. BTW I just noticed your username - are you a Chinese?
  3. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Yah... hopefully whatever CIC brings to us is not a FST draw :D
  4. I


    I’ve heard it from others saying CELPIP is easier especially for writing and speaking part... some said listening is a bit harder than IELTS. I have no experience on CELPIP at all but I think you should also consider your previous IELTS test experience - what was your band score back then and...
  5. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Haven’t thanked you for posting that internal tracker. really appreciate. Although there weren’t many 460ers... guessing they feel 460+ is an ITA-guaranteed score and not interested in putting down names in the tracker? ;)
  6. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    I’m even later... July 10th, 458. I am fully prepared to lose to the tie-breaker for July 24th draw but I really hope Aug 7 would be my turn...
  7. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    @13nitinsharma How is your OINP progress, any updates from the group of May 31 OINP candidates? It’s been 50 days and I suppose some of you have already got the approval? Also, are you going to update the internal tracker before July 24 draw? It must involve a lot of work and really appreciate...
  8. I

    IELTS - Writing - For Band 7 or Above.

    Don’t call it a failure, it’s not that bad! Stay positive and work on writing. If you can, opt for CD tests - personally I find writing and reading much easier on computers.
  9. I

    406 CRS w/ 5+ Work Exp. + CLB 8 Is this normal?

    A good IELTS score is CLB 9 above on all 4 attributes. CLB7-8 & 3+ yrs foreign experience = 25 additional points CLB 9 & 3+ yrs foreign experience = 50 additional points If your masters degree can be evaluate as a post-graduate diploma, then you can claim points for ‘two or more diplomas’...
  10. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    I think I’v read it somewhere that generally OINP takes 30-60 days to complete..? If so then very high chance for you to get your 600 additional points by next draw! Hope you receive your OINP approval very soon!
  11. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Thanks! Being a 458er I am fully prepared to lose to the tie-breaking rules :) and hope Aug 7 could be my turn.
  12. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    My prediction: post ITA is going to be even worse ;) preparing all the materials and endless worrying & checking emails...
  13. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    When I was struggling to get CLB9 I felt ITA is just within an arm’s length and I had only 1 mission to complete... Now that I am with the CLB9 I dreamed for, suddenly I feel there are too many ambiguities and tasks for me to deal with... and the real wait & struggles only just start from here.
  14. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Thanks for your valuable input. We will wait till July 24th to see the trend and decide later.
  15. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Seeing some of the posts here made me wondering if I should go for an EOR myself... Currently sitting at CRS 458 with IELTS 8.5/9/7/7 (spouse accompanying but haven’t sit IELTS). Currently I have 3 options: 1) wait for a couple of draws with current CRS to see how the trend goes; 2) have my...
  16. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    ahahaha maybe he/she is a follower of this thread! Btw what’s your prediction for July 24 draw? I might want to build a YouTube channel myself ahahah
  17. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Please add me at 458, thanks
  18. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Very little chance... what’s the normal time of draw??
  19. I

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Yes I also find privacy mode easier but this time I tried and tried but still cannot log in to the profile page. At last I switched to a desktop instead of using my mobile phone and it finally worked. Now CRS has been updated to 458, yay~
  20. I

    IELTS - Writing - For Band 7 or Above.

    Just received my 2nd IELTS rest result - L8.5 / R9 / W7 / S7. What a surprise!! I really thought I failed on speaking test as I was super super nervous during the whole test and made a lot of stupid mistakes... Now all of a sudden I managed to get the CLB9 I needed!!! I know 7 is only a...