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  1. Cheryllove


    No gap left out I so all times accounted for put in unemployed between job left in NC to job I started full time once in Washington State..... just forgot this 2 week (think I worked 2 days in that period) part time one
  2. Cheryllove

    Question about submitting IMM 5669 online

    I submitted mine but forgot to list a 2 week part time job!! The deadline is 26th of this month..... can I resubmit an ammended one to replace the one I transmitted since before deadline or not worry about a job that I had for less than 20 hours total!?!? Need advice SOON!!!
  3. Cheryllove


    I had until 4/26/2018 to send in my Schedule A background. I got it submitted and acknowledged. Last night I remembered a job I had for about 2 weeks that I forgot to put down!! Can I send in a replacement before the deadline or just not worry about it. I worked for less than 20 hours cleaning...
  4. Cheryllove

    Going for my medical exam

    Thanks! Have had liver panel tests done every year or two since 1981 and always normal showing no liver damage and full immunity to Hep B so not worried now... His Hep C we didn’t know about until we lived together in US for 5 months back in 2015 and he returned to Canada and was diagnosed. He...
  5. Cheryllove

    Going for my medical exam

    Well.... I went for my medical all went great until I was asked about Hep B.... my first husband got it in 1980 and although I never got sick I tested positive and subsequently successfully fought it off and am immune.... but.... they asked them for additional Hep B and C blood tests that they...
  6. Cheryllove

    FBI Background Check - New Procedure?

    Oh.....I’m in the US my husband wants me to wait until I get my PR to go up.... he wants us to get a mortgage on a condo and said I have to have my PR to be on the loan..... guess I’ll send off the loot for a fast on thru a company that handles expedited ones after my physical exam this...
  7. Cheryllove

    FBI Background Check - New Procedure?

    I have been sweating about whether I will need a new FBI background check.... got mine back in first of August and we sent it in with our PR application for me. Well... they sent that one back in Nov saying one sheet wasn’t signed and one page was the previous edition.... we redid it and mailed...
  8. Cheryllove

    Going for my medical exam

    I’m in North Carolina...... only two Doctors within 200 miles who are approved to do the exam and they obviously can charge whatever they want to charge...... cash up front at that!! I’m just wondering if there is ANYTHING short of a communicable disease that poses a public health risk that can...
  9. Cheryllove

    Going for my medical exam

    was just wondering what my medical exam will be for my spousal sponsor permanent resident. It’s going to cost $495 CASH and I’m curious as to what they are going to do for that much money!? Plus..... I am healthy as far as I know and read that there is a waiver for spouses for ore existing...
  10. Cheryllove

    Thank you for all the help!

    I just want to take this time to thank everyone who has helped me thus far thru the complicated maze of paperwork.... confusing instructions and Unattainable help from IRCC. I finally got help submitting my Schedule A..... and did the final step that got the confirmation from them..... now all...
  11. Cheryllove

    Uploaded my 5669 Schedule A but have question

    Woohoo!! Thanks!! Got it submitted!! Thanks everyone!!!!!
  12. Cheryllove

    Uploaded my 5669 Schedule A but have question

    I followed these instructions exactly to the letter! Hopefully all is good. Hopefully I’ll get some sort of acknowledgement that it was sucessful?? followed
  13. Cheryllove

    Uploaded my 5669 Schedule A but have question

    i found the validatable Schedule A finally and spent all day filling it out. Got it all done entered my name and date and clicked validate. It said “validation successful” I then followed directions on letter immigration sent me saying once validated save and go into my account and upload it. I...
  14. Cheryllove

    Hopefully last urgent question

    On Schedule A Question 7 Membership or Association with Organizations asks “ Have you ever been a member of an organization such as, trade union, professional association, or political, social, youth or student organization? I WAS a member of International Association of Scientologist but it...
  15. Cheryllove


    Have a weird question.... 9 years ago I was married to a Scientologist and of course I had to become a member of the International Association of Scientologist. I subsequently left (fled) and have not been associated with them in years. Is that considered an Organization type they are referring...
  16. Cheryllove

    Question about submitting IMM 5669 online

    I’m having the same problem except there is no validate button in the form when I open the link!! Am I missing something!?!?
  17. Cheryllove


    I went there and couldn’t figure out how to do it.... these things are so confusing as to which box to select etc..... I’ll look again Got their phone number so will also call them today and see if I can get someone to walk me thru it. Hopefully I will be able to get someone..... have to be...
  18. Cheryllove


    I’d upload IF I were able to even open a pdf form that I could validate. Every time I click on the link it says I need updated Adobe Reader but when I try to update it tells me it’s already updated...... so have to open in pdf that I cannot validate.... plus cannot upload addendum.... my husband...
  19. Cheryllove


    Going to mail it to them but need to know the correct address and they don’t make it easy to find the right one..... do know it in Mississauga that is processing it.....it’s goingvto cost $90 to fed ex it and want to make sure going to correct address..... a
  20. Cheryllove


    I have been requested for and completed my IMM5669E schedule A. I have to attach an addendum to it for question 8 since there was not enough fields on document. I have saved both in PDF format and now need to upload them. They are saved separately..... can I upload twice (one for their form and...