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  1. K

    PR Card Delayed - VERIFICATION in process - Anyone in the same boat ?

    Hi Sai, Have you recently followed up with CIC about your Cards, if yes what is their reply ?.
  2. K

    PR Card Delayed - VERIFICATION in process - Anyone in the same boat ?

    Please refer to below link for details. It says that if PR cards are not received within six weeks (provided that mailing address was given), candidate can send 'Solemn Declaration'. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/infORmation/applications/prcard-lost.asp
  3. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Is there any way to avoid personal visit to CIC office for submitting photographs ?. What about those who left Canada after landing ?. Can't we appoint representative to submit our photographs. CIC know that there are thousands of immigrants who leave Canada before receiving PR. They must...
  4. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hi Daddy, What is the status of your case ?
  5. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    I am very upset to read this message because i left Canada 2 weeks after coming our landing. What if i am also asked to submit photographs personally to their office.
  6. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hope participants will find following information regarding generation of PR useful which i have copied from a posts Related to cases under verification. Process Step for PR Card generation _________________________________________ • Visa office Completes personal information in...
  7. K

    PR Card Delayed - VERIFICATION in process - Anyone in the same boat ?

    Hi, Almost 122 days have passed since we did our landing at Toronto but no PR Card yet. CIC keeps saying that it's under varification . Can 'SOLEMN DECLARATION' be used in such cases ?. Would appreciate Your opinion.
  8. K

    PR Card Delayed - VERIFICATION in process - Anyone in the same boat ?

    Hi, Would you share the status of your PR cards with us, hope they have been received ?, if not, what is the feedback from CIC.
  9. K

    PR Card Delayed - VERIFICATION in process - Anyone in the same boat ?

    Hi, Have you received ?, if not, what is the feedback from CIC. We landed on 20th March, no PR yet . CIC says it's under varification.
  10. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Did you give mailing address at the time of landing ?.
  11. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    While going through the remarks made by participants of this forum, you would notice that ecas is neeither a reliable tool nor it has consistency. I notice some candidates receive PR CARD without any change in their ecas status.
  12. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hi, Where does the home address appear ? Does it appear in a separate window ?.
  13. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    The new box " The PR CARD Aapplications " is in addition to the other box about Permanent Residence. Would it be possible for You to share the remarks in both windows. We landed on 20th March, but no PR CARDS yet and no new window on ecas ?.
  14. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Thanks, let's hope we receive cards soon (based on your observations). Meantime I have asked my son to keep chasing CIC. He did ask CIC in his earlier calls to advise if they are expecting any other info from us but they wouldn't say anything except ' file is under verification '. Appreciate...
  15. K

    PR Card Delayed - VERIFICATION in process - Anyone in the same boat ?

    Waiting game for PR is very frustrating. We did our landing on 20th March, 2014 and left Canada on 3rd April except my son who remained there. He keeps following up with CIC about our landing PR but to no avail. The answer is always " your file is under variation". I have no clue how to come...
  16. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hi Rawfile , As mentioned in my earlier posts, despite having landed on 20th March, 2014, have not received PR CARDS yet as file for the whole family is under VERIFICATION. Would be grateful if you could advise how to check reason for variation with CIC as they never mention anything...
  17. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hi, Have you received PR CARDS ?. We landed on 20th March, 2014 but no PR Cards yet.
  18. K

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hi, Have you received your PR ?. We had landed on 20th March but our file was sent for variation and as of today we have not received your PR Cards. Would appreciate if you could share your experience.