Our passports have been sent to CHC London on 29th July after receiving a letter from them that your visas are ready to be stamped. Is any body in the forum aware of refusal of visa even at this stage, if yes, what could be the reasons.
Our passports were sent to CHC London on 29th July, 2013 and according to them i shuld not expect to receive passprts back before five weeks time.
Can somebody tell me wheather visa stamping can be refused even at this stage, if yes what could be the reason.
Our passports have been sent to CHC London on 29th July,2013 upon their request for visa stamping. Out of my curiocity would like to know wheather visas can be refused at this stage as well, if yes what could be the reasons.
Chances of refusal by CHC London.
I have sent our passports to CHC London on 29th July, 2013 on their request. Just want to know if there are still chances that visas are refused by CHC London, if yes what could be the reasons ?.