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  1. M

    Pre Feb 2008 applicants

    To wait for CAIPS NOTES would be a torture because most people could receive bad news or keep false hopes while waiting... I think these two links explain everything... http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob442.asp...
  2. M

    Return of Pre February 28/2008 Applications

    To wait for CAIPS NOTES would be a torture because most people could receive bad news or keep false hopes while waiting... I think these two links explain everything... http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob442.asp...
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    Thank you very much again Quorax, but the doctor said NO!!! He is against doing it without request from CIC... Well I hope to finish this long adventure within 2 or 3 months to leave this country before next election (Venezuela)... Regards!
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    Hello Everyone... I am a 2007 applicant waiting for ARC (Authorization to return to Canada) and I have completed all the stages regarding my FSW application. Last letter I received from my lawyers they said (May6th) that now the ARC and visa issuance has to be done by my country visa office in 2...
  5. M

    Did anyone's address reappear last week?

    Well in my case there is not change inside... The same 3 lines ... We received your application on xx date... We started processing your app on xx date... Medical results have been received...Only the address reappeared after 5 months missing... No news yet but hope they are on its way.... ;D ;D ;D
  6. M

    End of the story

    Mr Deva : I know this is not the right time to think clearly, but I would like to share some words with you... I don´t know how old you are or how much you need to leave your country but there are many of us waiting for 3,5,7,8 years without giving up... Choose a trade or something to learn and...
  7. M

    processing time frustrating

    Tweety35 : I know this long wating could be frustrating, but let me tell you I have seen worst... If they sent you Medicals again and your RCMP certificates were OK its a matter of few more weeks to receive good news... Stay calm and put things in perspective because one or two months means...
  8. M

    Unable to check status....any reason!

    Yes... There are lots with address reappearing last week... Could be a glitch??? I don't think so... I think they are processing files to reduce the backlog and start working on the new policy... Remember this is June and is a key month to implement changes... My humble opinion... Good Luck...
  9. M

    Address appear and disappear??

    Yes... There are lots with address reappearing last week... Could be a glitch??? I don't think so... I think they are processing files to reduce the backlog and start working on the new policy... Remember this is June and is a key month to implement changes... My humble opinion... Good Luck...
  10. M

    Did anyone's address reappear last week?

    Yes... There are lots with address reappearing last week... Could be a glitch??? I don't think so... I think they are processing files to reduce the backlog and start working on the new policy... Remember this is June and is a key month to implement changes... My humble opinion... Good Luck...
  11. M

    E cas status disappeared

    To my opinion it is not a glitch in most cases. I think they are working on our files. Somtimes when you have a BXXX number and changed to an EXXX or UCI which is mostly numbers you need one of thos new file numbers to acces... But right now address dissapearance or reappearance from my...
  12. M

    RCMP Fingerprints -

  13. M

    Canadian Government Slashes Backlog 300.000 FSW Applications will be rejected

    The Government of Canada announced on 29 March 2012 a plan to reduce the backlog of Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications by returning all applications and government fees submitted prior to 27 February 2008. This will amount to a total of almost 300,000 returned applications, as well as...
  14. M

    FSW 2 - ARC

    Ah perdon en mi caso no me han solicitado huellas dactilares, no se si lo harán tampoco, espero que esto sea lo último que tenga que enviar (ARC) y otros detalles que estoy actualizando... Saludos
  15. M

    FSW 2 - ARC

    Si Master7 ese es el procedimiento correcto segun lo leí en el website, aunque reconozco que lo inicié sin saber del ARC, pero siempre imaginé que algo de eso vendría... Primero se aplica y luego cuando ya estas en la etapa de chequeo de seguridad y antecedentes te solicitan el o los ARC...
  16. M

    FSW 2 - ARC

    Master7 : I have just found out that my application for refuge became a deportation order since I never showed up to the hearing and then they issued a removal order that ended up in deportation order. Without having a clue in 2007 I asked an immigration lawyer about my intentions of applying as...
  17. M

    Confusion About ARC ( Authorization to Return to Canada)

    Master7 : I have just found out that my application for refuge became a deportation order since I never showed up to the hearing and then they issued a removal order that ended up in deportation order. Without having a clue in 2007 I asked an immigration lawyer about my intentions of applying as...
  18. M

    Confusion About ARC ( Authorization to Return to Canada)

    Hello Rock : Yes you have to apply for an ARC... Depending on why you want to go back to Canada you will have to fill a form and pay $400 fee. If you paid your tickets and had no background problems that´s it, but you have to check out the CIC website inadmissibility section to determine the...
  19. M

    FSW 2 - ARC

    Hello Master : Well, I can tell you my story. I was a refugee claimant in 1995. I left Canada before decision made... I sent a letter when leaving that they never received. I have applied as FSW and they are now after medicals done requesting ARC for my family and I. I think that you should not...