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  1. E

    Visa exempt countries

    thank you for your quick response
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    Visa exempt countries

    I have a question does cic always ask for your passport when giving your visa to land in canada because I have heard people who hand over photocopies and that is enough to get the visa is this true- this seems to apply for visa exempt countries only Visitor Visa Exemptions These include...
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    bringing our car across the boarder

    http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5048-eng.html tells you how to import your car
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    Anyone going through the paris office?

    We sent tons of proof the file was huge, no papers were missing. We were married here in Canada not sure why it was requested no they do not tell you why but they do interviews to verify if the cases are truthful but we also submitted additional proof. Every case is different. It states on ecas...
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    Anyone going through the paris office?

    I am going through the Paris office they received the file in June of 2011 and didn't start processing until the beginning of this month, most applications (80%) in Paris are processed within 8 months but a interview was requested and that went very well. hopefully it continues that way
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    Passport request and going on vacation

    So here`is a scenario if your are requested to give your passport and your travelling within two weeks time what can you do, should you contact the visa office to notify them and see if you can send the passport in after you have come back. what are the options available. :-\
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    April 2011 Applicants share their views here

    wow that is excellent is your hubby in the same country as where the visa office is.
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    April 2011 Applicants share their views here

    medical redo is set for April 30 got forms from paris office to have my hubby redo them hopefully all goes well!!!!!!!
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    April 2011 Applicants share their views here

    well updated to my case- interview went excellent the vo was very nice and wants us reunited again woooooooooooo new medicals have been requested the interview was done in person.
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    OHIP- waiting period.... where to purchase health benefits for pr

    I was wonder my friend will be moving to ontario as there is a 3 month waiting period for health benefits is there any places someone could recommend to purchase health insurance for the three months just in case?
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    Medical Exam photo size

    so i have a question what size photos are needed for an immigration medical exam and how many are needed it is being done in France, have seen many different answers not sure what is correct as this is an outland application
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    Windsor lawyer charged with immigration fraud

    Read and watch: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/story/2012/03/30/wdr-immigration-lawyer-charged-fraud.html
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    Family denied immigration due to Down Syndrome

    MP and woman's brother, a Canadian resident, appeal for reconsideration Read and watch here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/03/30/bc-down-syndrome-immigration.html
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    Address History- confused

    Now i have a question i know the address history must match the personal history my question is do you list even addresses that are not your residential address meaning if you travelled to a country for a week in a hotel should you input that address into the address history or is it only...
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    timeline between visa and landing

    if the medicals have expired after the decision is made do they normally tell you to redo them before issuing the visa?
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    timeline between visa and landing

    I was wondering if anyone can let me know the time line they received their visa to the timeline Canada gives them to land so for example canada given you the visa april 3 you had up until June 3 to come and get your pr. I would like to know how long Canada gives for you to pack up your life in...
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    Should I or shouldn't I?

    Arent you allowed to pay at a bank you just have to request the reciepts from cic and submit it
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    Landing in Canada

    Can anyone direct me to the correct post or link in which tell you how to land in canada and what forms you need and how the process works its for a friend thank you....
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    April 2011 Applicants share their views here

    very stressful because we have to know collect supplementary proof there is so much documents to go through but all worth it
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    permanent residency in canada- travelling abroad

    if you are a new permanent resident how long does it normally take to get the pr card im assuming what ever it says on the cic website?