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  1. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    I don;t think I can answer all of your questions, however, I do know that once you are married, if you fill out an application with CIC you must declare that you are married and include your husband in the application form or else CIC might flag you for misrepresentation. Also, just to inform...
  2. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    Does it have a confirmation number?
  3. Michyy

    Spouse Sponsorship - Question about Visit Details?

    Also, will you be living together after you're married? If yes, then you don't need to provide details in question 4 as it states "If you are not living together, have you visited each other during your relationship?".
  4. Michyy

    Spouse Sponsorship - Question about Visit Details?

    The best way is if you have any pictures of your visits, receipts, artifacts (proof of going to an event - could be tickets for example) that you share together.
  5. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    Out of curiosity, anyone know how OHIP works with Inland applications? I've been searching the forums and found many different responses. Is it possible to apply (submitted OWP+Spousal Sponsorship)? If so, when can we do this?
  6. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    Okay! Good to know...thank you!
  7. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    Did anyone who reapplied for eDO (sent in paper application and then did the resubmit through eDO option) see an update on their application through the site? Mine still says "Insufficient - Missing fingerprints" even though we sent them in with the paper application. We sent the resubmit...
  8. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    Just seen the update thank you!!
  9. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    That spreadsheet hasn't been updated for a month. However @marilamb has updated hers to also include Inland :)
  10. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    For sure! I think having a inland AND outland combined spreadsheet is quite confusing as the 2 are different with respects to the process/documents required so it's hard to compare timelines accurately.
  11. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    I would love that idea as well. I could definitely help with inputting the information..however I suck with formatting, so as long as a template is set up already, I'd definitely love to help if someone gets started...The way @marilamb has hers formatted is awesome!
  12. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    Even if they're applying Inland? If so that's great, I'll add my information :)
  13. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    No there was another one posted previously in this thread...perhaps it's not the right one then lol. Here's the link to the one I was thinking of: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WXmKcCOlbciwCa33-vKs8LqbKxOIar2PzSN7j4xBxEg/edit#gid=366249613 The one that you posted is for Outland I believe.
  14. Michyy

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    Is anyone updating the spreadsheet? It seems to be inactive for some time...
  15. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    If I remember correctly, you get a copy both electronically and by mail. However, I believe someone previously mentioned on this thread that the electronic copy is still valid to send to CIC.
  16. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    We did as well, however we figured it out. You need to add a 0 in the inches part. For example: If you are 5'2, you have to put 5'02 on the eDO form.
  17. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    On the application, no. However you have to forward your email confirmation to identity@fbi.gov with your name, address, phone number, courier company and tracking number.
  18. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    You should get a reply within 24hrs. Sorry about that. I know I wrote the complete info but I don't know what happened after I posted the reply...
  19. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    Whoops my message somehow got cut off... Name, address, phone number, courrieur company and tracking number
  20. Michyy

    US Police Clearance: FBI Processing Times

    You have to fill out an application online and then forward the confirmation email to identity.fbi.gov with your name, address, courrieur