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  1. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    but UCI should suffice unless u run into those people that are fed scripts to say to claimants :D
  2. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    application number is the number above the UCI number on the refugee claimant sheet*
  3. H

    Can a refugee claimant transit through county of origin?

    as long as they don't stamp your passport, and CBSA doesn't know that you transit through there, if they check the ticket when you're leaving and see the country of transit your in for a good time haha
  4. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    The IRB throws files in a huge inventory, there's no way that online system is for claimants. Once you are done with the IRB, everything is smooth sailing afterwards and more trackable/fair/timelines
  5. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    Feb 2017!! That's a long time brother, There is definitely a mistake going on, the more idle you are the more IRB will keep making you wait. I would fax in a letter now and then, 2.5 years isn't normal even by IRB standards, not even the US!! sometimes haha. I wouldn't keep waiting any longer...
  6. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    By fax and sent it in signed, UCI number, and request for ATIP, tales 3-4 business days, comes in a disk with all your file scanned, and any notes made by a member at initial screening to case officer logs
  7. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    you can do it this way: In writing Eric Villemaire ATIP Director Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Access to Information and Privacy Directorate 344 Slater Street, 14th floor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K1 By fax 613-670-6851 Attention: Eric Villemaire, ATIP Director
  8. H

    Study Permit Convention refugee

    I don't know. I'm a claimant and got a study permit last week.
  9. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    I'm afraid you misunderstood, I don't wish to give too much detail, but anyways the event that caused me seeking Canada happened after all that traveling, thats not the issue. It would make sense if it was the other way around; as in the problem happens, then I travel all over the world, but...
  10. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    Hello, I recently made an ATIP request, to get a copy of your file and notes made from IRB regarding your case. I found that I was dismissed from short/less complex hearings. The issue for me was identity, even though my passport had visas from the US/Canada/UK/Schengen . She made a very ill...
  11. H

    Seeking Asylum on the Basis of Being Coerced to Perform Annual Occultic Rituals contrary to My Faith

    Why Canada? There are so many other countries closer to Nigeria that provide asylum and recognized safe zones of the UN. 1.Also if a decision was to be made, you have to prove you could not relocate to another place in Nigeria. 2.There is also a state/central government in Nigeria that you...
  12. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    Why did you apply at POE? Did you arrive with TRV? You had a few days/weeks to meet with a lawyer and draft a BOC! The environment at POE is intimidating, and you probably dealt with tough officers not like at IRCC. I sympathise with your situation man!
  13. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    Oh then no worries brother, you aren't the first, a lot of claimants get that happening to them, but it works out in the appeal for most. Best to prepare for why the the situation was different in the BOC. I recommend looking up IRB archive/website decision for appeals, you will find similar...
  14. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    I would recommend Bellisimo law group they are very successful but expensive. However good the lawyer is though, ultimately it's your case that will determine the outcome, do you have good arguments against the decision, did the member overlook some details? maybe the member didn't logically...
  15. H

    Postponed hearings timelines

    That's great news! 18 months! wow! some of my afghan friends finish in 4-5 months from applying, very messy system, glad your friend got out!
  16. H

    Refugee travel documents problem

    They only mention where he was born
  17. H

    Study Permit Convention refugee

    Goodluck to you, my study permit is being processed now aswell and i'll be paying international fees this coming fall!
  18. H

    Travel document

    if it's the US maybe sneak out and in back again real quick just kidding :D
  19. H

    Travel document

    No chance until Positive decision.
  20. H

    What Next After Refugee Hearing

    It doesn't affect. When did you apply for refuge? -thanks