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  1. kettle

    Outland questions

    1) I don't know enough about tourist visas to comment. 2) Outland is showing 16 months for Vienna, and Inland is showing 17 months for stage 1 of the application plus 10 months for stage 2. I would find a Vienna thread to confirm, but I would suspect most applications are getting...
  2. kettle

    refugee crisis

    +1 :D
  3. kettle

    Canada PR Inside canada application for wife on visitor visa

    Open work permits are for inland applications only. if your wife applies outland, she will not receive an open work permit. If your wife intends to leave Canada in the next two years, you are best advised to do an outland application.
  4. kettle

    Conjugal Partner: "Explain why..."

    Edited: We did not submit any notarized letters with our application, and only submitted a statutory declaration and had no issues, our application was processed and approved in five months. I don't think that is the norm, but I don't think the OP should worry just yet. Or, if they are...
  5. kettle

    IMM 5540 Question 14 - Close Friends & Familly

    I included this information in the "relationship essay" that we included with our package. I also put photos in the essay (PDF document) that pertained to meeting key members of each others family.
  6. kettle


    I don't see anywhere where anyone said what you should have done, I only see two people who have replied to you, and both of them (including me) told you what you can do now...
  7. kettle


    See above. Change stuff now. I certainly wasn't giving you carp for what you should have done. Sure its a minor inconvenience, but IMO the payoff is worth it.
  8. kettle


    the point would be to have a successful application. Only you and your spouse can determine what effort and time that is worth to you. :)
  9. kettle

    PR Sponsored by Common-Law Boyfriend But Not Enough Proof?

    We also had joint auto insurance and a car we purchased together. Are either of those things you and your spouse have?
  10. kettle

    PR Sponsored by Common-Law Boyfriend But Not Enough Proof?

    If you have a positive relationship with your landlord, you should be able to get your landlord to write a letter indicating you have both been living in the same premise since _____ date. My common-law partner and I had been living together for about two years when we applied, the only proof...
  11. kettle


    I would change DLs to your current address, and most other important documents. For example when you file your taxes, that information should go to your new address.
  12. kettle

    Proof of Relationship

    Our photos were included in the relationship essay. PDF, with photos built into the essay. Black and white, small captions underneath. I believe we sent 15-18 photos max. I can't recall exactly now. Mostly the aim was to include photos from different vacations, or where my spouse or I met...
  13. kettle

    September 2014 OUTLAND Applications

    :o what!? CRAZY! Congrats!
  14. kettle

    PR Card Not Yet Arrived

    If you are not listed as his representative, CIC will not tell you anything about the card.
  15. kettle

    PR Card Not Yet Arrived

    It took 98 days for my spouses PR card to arrive. He landed May 30 2015. Received the card last Friday.
  16. kettle

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Spouse received his PR card in the mail Friday. 98 days from landing to receipt for anyone who is curious. :)
  17. kettle

    Spousal sponsorship

    Is selling her car not an option? Four months is quickly! Yes it very well could take more than four months, and the OWP is a pilot project as well started in December of last year, so there isn't necessarily any guarantees your girlfriend would get an OWP anyhow. Your girlfriend will not...
  18. kettle

    Living in Canada while Outland application processed in UK?!

    Hop on over to the london thread too :) http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/thread-for-outland-london-uk-applications-t49436.0.html
  19. kettle

    Spousal sponsorship

    It would be advisable to stop referring to your partner as your boyfriend as well. The Common-law stream is for couples who are committed as married couples would be. Its best to get into the habit of using the correct language to refer to your spouse, should you get caught up with language in...
  20. kettle

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    My SO wasn't given much hassle, actually no hassle at all his agent was very friendly, polite, helpful and informative. He said he was staying for two months, and they offered him six. They can see the paperwork is in process when they look up your information, so long as you have a return...