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  1. brown_eyes

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    I agree.. I think everyone who sent their file til aug 3, are already included in the cap count. that means a lot who filled have also been rejected for some reason since a lot have filled under NOC 1122.. positive thinking can help considerably.
  2. brown_eyes

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    hey why am I included both in the International and FSW spreadsheet? here are my details: Filipino FSW applicant NOC 1122 Manila VO date sent 7/20/2011 date rcd by CIO 7/26/2011 rcvd by MIKE pre assessed payment thru CC with consultant destination: toronto
  3. brown_eyes

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    That is...granting that NOC 1122 is still on the list by next yr..
  4. brown_eyes

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Westpoint, What's up with your papers now buddy? Have you received your returned docs yet? Can't you just file new application under MI3? Pls update us as we are looking forward to hearing good news from you. Your profile info still shows applicant for FSW1..
  5. brown_eyes


    In most Provinces in Canada their PNP requires blood relatives. In Manitoba, you only need to have friends who are willing to support you in your application. In Quebec, you only need to speak french, be under their priority list of occupations (which is a lot) and get the minimum points to...
  6. brown_eyes

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    They definitely require proof of relations and proof of residency of relatives in Canada as this will give you additional points in your application, otherwise you wont get the points for adaptability..Those who filled with the help of consultants have known of this based on their experience...
  7. brown_eyes

    NOC : 1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management

    I do think you qualify, depending on what job descriptions you right. and please do include in parenthesis the job title in NOC 1122 that your work is most likely to fall in order to guide the assessors as to the similarity of your job title in Canadian terms. As for me, my job title is Admin...
  8. brown_eyes

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Where did you get this info? It is very clear in the CIC website that the NOC will remain open only until the 500 cap is reached. So we really cannot say when that cap could be reached especially with NOC 1122 which is always the first to get filled up.
  9. brown_eyes


    I think you have more chances by taking the Provincial Nominee Program. Get nominated by a province in Canada with your qualifications, then you'll have better chances. We may never know when NOC 1111 will open again..
  10. brown_eyes

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    What's the earliest timeline that we can expect for July 2011 applicants to receive their AOR? Is there a chance we may know our fate in say, 2 months time? given that CIC will now be processing lesser number of completed applications under the 500 cap/NOC?
  11. brown_eyes

    Proof of 'Landing Funds" >>>

    Qorax, you mean to say, the 6 months prior proof of funds (bank statement) starts when you get the notice for medicals and not the date of filing at CIO? So, the time while waiting for your medical, you can still make transactions on your settlement accounts? Do I understand this correctly? Thanks.
  12. brown_eyes

    WHICH CITY TO LAND ? -for New Immigrants

    Qorax, Do you have information as to which city/province is most immigrant friendly in terms of foreign qualifications accreditation? I mean which province usually recognize foreign credentials, and which does not required strict "Canadian Experience" in finding jobs in your field of expertise?
  13. brown_eyes

    WHICH CITY TO LAND ? -for New Immigrants

    Wont starter jobs determine the rest of your career in Canada? Since Canada gives primacy to the "Canadian Experience" wont taking survival jobs take you away from landing jobs of your dream later on?
  14. brown_eyes

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Do you mean perhaps, PER? the positive Evaluation Receipt? or the courier delivery receipt that CIO acknowledged? Its way too fast for CIC to issue you an AOR, dont you think?
  15. brown_eyes

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Could the AOR that Ravi mean, the delivery receipt from DHL? As being received by the person in CIC? Its really quite preposterous for CIC to get to process his papers and issue AOR so early, when it should take 3-4 months for AOR to be issued, right?
  16. brown_eyes

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Update on my application package: Pls update my details at the worksheet, CATEGORY : FSW (NOC 1122) VO: Manila DATE APPLICATION SENT: July 20, 2011 DATE APPLICATION RCD : July 26, 2011 RCD BY: Mike Payment form: Credit Card (not yet credited) With Consultant...
  17. brown_eyes

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    I think if there are lots of applications being delivered by DHL to CIO, its because of the Provincial Nominee Program not the FSW. Remember that much more go through the PNP instead of FSW since its easier there not to mention if you have a Job Order. Also consider the other streams of...
  18. brown_eyes

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Happy to hear the nr of accepted application are way below our cap for NOC 1122. My docs are still on its way to the CIO. last I checked its in transit and being processed at OHIO, USA from HONGKONG.. I hope my package finally gets to the CIO next week.. And Im positive those who will apply the...