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  1. S

    reviewing the results of medical exam

    Yes! I was asked to redo it. Do you know the reason? I did it already back in Aug 2019
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    reviewing the results of medical exam

    Hey guys. Medical status changed from passed to "We are reviewing the results of your medical exam." what does this mean? It's been more than a year since I submitted my application.
  3. S

    It's been 10 months

    Just changed to action 's required. Apparently I have to send them the background form & recent employment letter
  4. S

    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    From 5669 - d) been refused refugee status, an immigrant or permanent resident visa (including a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) or application to the Provincial Nominee Program) or visitor or temporary resident visa, to Canada or any other country? ---- My student visa once was...
  5. S

    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    I've been requiested to provide the follwing documents: 1) Schedule A background Declaration form (IMM 5669) 2) Employment record .... I was wondering why do I have to submit IMM 5669 now, considering 15 months have passed since I submitted my application on Aug 2019! About employement...
  6. S

    Applications "under processing" for more than 15 months and not finalized

    They want : A separate and newly completed Schedule A Background Declaration form (IMM 5669) employment records: An original and recent letter of employment indicating the start date, annual or hourly rate of pay, and regular hours per week Please provide a Complete list of engineering related...
  7. S

    Applications "under processing" for more than 15 months and not finalized

    Just received this email: 1. Sign in to your account. 2. Click Check full application status under View the applications you submitted. 3. Scroll down to the Messages about your application section. 4. Click on the Subject of the new message to read it. ------- But cannot download the message...
  8. S

    Application status is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    Application status is currently unavailable. Please try again later. ---- Same :(
  9. S

    All who got FILE MOVED/transferred to NDVO 2019 please join

    my ghost update was 3 days ago
  10. S

    All who got FILE MOVED/transferred to NDVO 2019 please join

    I got the same email! estimated completion date: FEB 2019 !! --- ps. couple of days ago I got my 2nd ghost update
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    Ghost update after Coronavirus/COVID-19?

    Yesterday I got my 2nd ghost update. Any meaning?
  12. S

    Ghost update 2

    Hey guys! I just logged into my account and saw a so-called ghost update (Application/profile update) appearing on my profile- This is at worst, my second ghost update -- the first one was in July - What does this mean? ---- P.S I submitted my application in Aug 2019
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    Ghost update after Coronavirus/COVID-19?

    Best wishes! -In two weeks, it's going to be 16 months for me :( - AOR in Aug 2019
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    Ghost update after Coronavirus/COVID-19?

    how many months did it take?
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    Almost 15 months! :(

    Do you know what the reason is for this delay?
  16. S

    Almost 15 months! :(

    NOTES:1 Created Date: 2020/06 .... . Restricted: No Label: General Office: CPC-Ottawa Text: NOTES:2 ....date: 2020/02 Label: General Restricted: NO Office: CPC-Ottawa Text: Status inquiry received from PA..... Confirmed that file is currently awaiting officer review Notes:3 2020/02...
  17. S

    Almost 15 months! :(

    Assesments Eligibility: Recommend Pass Security: Not Started HIRV: Criminality: Passed Org Crime: Medical: Passed - Expired Misrepresentation: Info Sharing: Complete Other Reqs: Final: PAPER FILE Office: # Location: ------------------------------ PAPER FILE TRANSFER PAPER FILE TRANSFER:1...
  18. S

    Almost 15 months! :(

    Tnx! I will do it now. Unfortunately, it's not possible to use control+F - But I will find it anyway..