This is a public forum, you don't have to share your personal information. You unfortunately have no grounds for asylum. Economic hurdles aren't a life threatening factor.
You need to move out of Turkey to any other country and then register with UNHCR as a refugee. The process is very lengthy and only a small fraction of applicants get resettled. There is no guarantee that you will be resettled in Canada.
Shorter route for you is to apply for TRV and seek asylum...
You have zero chances of being granted asylum in Canada.
You can't claim asylum because your siblings used to call you names.
Your girlfriend can convert to your religion then you can both get married in saudi Arabia
Utter bullsh*t. Nobody has the authority to cancel a visa issued by a sovereign country except for the country itself. Only exception is if that country has signed a treaty to share information e.g. USA.
Only Canadian visas will be cancelled.
Bear in mind that Canada and USA share immigration info., so any USA visa won't necessarily be cancelled but you'll be denied entry.
Any other visas remain unaffected.
This is a public forum and has nothing to do with the Canadian government. Nobody here issues visas or facilitates asylum requests. You need to remove your personal information for your safety sakes.
1. You don't need more documents. Upload a new application form and the same supporting documents.
2. Your medical is still valid.
3. You don't need to explain your welfare/employment/tax history, they already have access to see all that.
4~6 weeks if applied online. 8 weeks if applied by paper.
Nobody can tell their chances without knowing their case. In general, India is considered a relatively safe country. Acceptance rate is pretty low.
Doubt you'd be granted a TRV. You could try to move to a neighbouring country and register with the UNHCR. Process takes years, only a small fraction gets resettled and you don't get to choose where you may possibly be resettled.
Travel to Canada for which purpose? If for a short visit, you'll need to apply for a TRV. If you intend to seek asylum in Canada, then the answer is no, you can't seek asylum while being a refugee in another country.