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  1. B


    I keep checking CIC online status with my receipt number everyday. Don't know if that works at all but anything is better than nothing lol.
  2. B

    No AOR yet

    March got AOR too.
  3. B


    Congrats! I think I applied a day after you. Hopefully I get AOR next week.
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    I renovated the house last year. Ripped out all the carpets in the house and laid lamenated flooring everywhere. Build a deck that circumferenced the house and found a married couple to maintain the house (rent free) until my wife and daughter lands. It's in a city I don't live but used to work in.
  5. B

    No AOR yet

    6 months or 180 days is way too long. I think longest would be 60 days. Something is not right. You can submit an online form asking about your application. Go to check application processing time on CIC website. It will tell you wait their wait time is and if it's more than that there is a...
  6. B


    Average on CIC website for assessment of sponsor is now 36 days. Previously it said 60 days. I think March average will be well below the January average and less than 1 month.
  7. B


    I've been following the Singapore VO and Vietnam spouse sponsorship forum last 2 years since I was planning to do the sponsorship than. 2 years ago I've seen people get approved from Singapore VO in quickest 8 months from when they submitted their application and longest was 2 years or more...
  8. B


    I thought 23 days was fast but I would think 9 days be the record for fastest aor. I sent mines around March 15th been checking my mail everyday but they send aor by e-mail too? Just checked my junk e-mail nope nothing yet.
  9. B

    Do I need a notice of assessment (option C)?

    I included option c anyways. Worst they can do is throw it out.
  10. B

    Relationship proof question

    submit everything that you feel will help proof your relationship. Leave it up to the VO to determine whether it's applicable or not. I submitted my Rogers pre-paid billing showing just our numbers and sms messages as well the monthly home phone bill also showing just our numbers. I also...
  11. B

    How I organized our applcation and a summary of all helpful tips I have learned

    I placed the barcode page last since CIC placed it last too and it printed out that order. That's incorrect because I forgot that they stated somewhere to place it on top. But when you have so much rules it's easy to forget some. For each proof I provided a brief bullet point cover page...
  12. B

    New immigration law, and some final questions

    you can pay online and send the receipt with your application.
  13. B

    Sponsorship Evaluation (IMM 5481) - Question about 12 month net income.

    From what I understand there is no set minimum income requirement otherwise you would have to fill out the Financial Evaluation for sponsoring a spouse. But the VO might wonder how you'll support your spouse and yourself. This is not written anywhere on the application but is experienced by...
  14. B


    awesome 23 days hopefully I'll get mines soon.
  15. B

    Question about Skype chats for proof

    We used Skype for video calling. No typing messages. 1) So in Skype I went to my wife's name => clicked conversation => view old messages => and selected 1 year 2) I screen shot the messages and would crop the messages showing the date, call to <wife's name>, call ended, duration...
  16. B

    Our Singapore timeline Vietnamese wife

    They've increased spouse sponsorship admission target 29.17% from last year. http://www.canadavisa.com/news/canada-aims-to-welcome-up-to-305-000-new-permanent-residents-in-2016-across-all-immigration-categories.html
  17. B

    Our Singapore timeline Vietnamese wife

    I didn't notice this group so I joined the general Singapore timeline group earlier. I have a Vietnamese wife so I'll stick to this one. Did anyone read the article where Justin Trudeau plans to allow 305,000 immigrants this year? Hope this would result in a quicker decision made.
  18. B

    Singapore timeline

    oh 1 last worry. On the appendix A checklist for country specific to Vietnam the last checkbox asked for 5 passport sized photos. Since I'm back in Canada and didn't want further delay asking my wife to take pictures and mail it over I didn't include the photos nor the appendix A checklist...
  19. B

    Singapore timeline

    thanks 1 more post to go
  20. B

    Singapore timeline

    Is there a 10 post requirement do that timeline seen on the left side? I just sent my application on Monday March 14 to Mississauga and they received it on March 16. The waiting begins. I lived with my wife all of 2014 and split half year in 2015 and 2016 between Canada and Vietnam making 2...