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My question is
My wife and i have been in a a relationship since 2008 but we lost most of our coversations when the social media "friendster" closed..and whats left are couple of small conversations on yahoo messenger..
So from 2008 til 2011 we have conversations but since that incident it lowered our evidences.. should i gave all we got and explain what happened?
I was on philippines when we started our relationship and continued until we migrate to canada and we really loved each other but i dont know whats the exact thing that i should do to prove our marriage is not for immigration purposes
Another is we got married in aug 17 2014.. i didnt get to sponsor her right away because were still trying to wait for answers if she can still get a green card because she got overaged and at the same time we had a verysmall argument because she doesnt want to leave her parents yet until her parents actually told her and i convinced her to go here and we decided.. should i tell and explain this as well?
Another is.. on the day of the marriage.. all of her family members and all of her friends were present.. but none of my family members were there.. because the marriage was pretty sudden only 1 1/2 months preparation so my family members dont have visa to enter us (which the marriage took place) that time.. they were aware of the marriage and i only have 1 facebook post about my parents and family friends watching our video via skype..
How do you think should i explain this? Is this a red flag?
For proofs.. i always change phone everytime so i didnt have all our text messages.. but.. i can show them a text history from my networkprovider but it only shows our cellphne numbers.. we contacted on skype too we even sleep with skype open.. but skype can only save conversations/call logs until 6months.. as on facebook we dont have much conversations there.. only some comments.. because we only talk on skype and not care about anything else.. because we ussually skype from 4hrs to 26hrs straight
My question is
My wife and i have been in a a relationship since 2008 but we lost most of our coversations when the social media "friendster" closed..and whats left are couple of small conversations on yahoo messenger..
So from 2008 til 2011 we have conversations but since that incident it lowered our evidences.. should i gave all we got and explain what happened?
I was on philippines when we started our relationship and continued until we migrate to canada and we really loved each other but i dont know whats the exact thing that i should do to prove our marriage is not for immigration purposes
Another is we got married in aug 17 2014.. i didnt get to sponsor her right away because were still trying to wait for answers if she can still get a green card because she got overaged and at the same time we had a verysmall argument because she doesnt want to leave her parents yet until her parents actually told her and i convinced her to go here and we decided.. should i tell and explain this as well?
Another is.. on the day of the marriage.. all of her family members and all of her friends were present.. but none of my family members were there.. because the marriage was pretty sudden only 1 1/2 months preparation so my family members dont have visa to enter us (which the marriage took place) that time.. they were aware of the marriage and i only have 1 facebook post about my parents and family friends watching our video via skype..
How do you think should i explain this? Is this a red flag?
For proofs.. i always change phone everytime so i didnt have all our text messages.. but.. i can show them a text history from my networkprovider but it only shows our cellphne numbers.. we contacted on skype too we even sleep with skype open.. but skype can only save conversations/call logs until 6months.. as on facebook we dont have much conversations there.. only some comments.. because we only talk on skype and not care about anything else.. because we ussually skype from 4hrs to 26hrs straight