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  1. D

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    The protest has been scheduled on 7th of November i Toronto and Montreal. All approvals have been obtained. Please check a Facebook page called "Advocates for Resumption of Canadian citizenship test" for more details. They will delete my post if i post links here.
  2. D

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    The protest has been scheduled on 7th of November. All approvals have been obtained. Please check a Facebook page called "Advocates for Resumption of Canadian citizenship test" for more details. They will delete my post if i post links here
  3. D

    PR ID No. format

    I am trying to use my PR card for a certain application and they are asking for my ID No. and it says that it should be in this format XXXX-XXXX but my PR card ID no is in this format XX-XXXX-XXXX. does anyone else have this format? thank you
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    PGP 2020

    anyone else have their PR ID no in this format XX-XXXX-XXXX instead of XXXX-XXXX? please help
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    PGP 2020

    Any idea?
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    PGP 2020

    What format should the PR card number be in?
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    PGP 2020

    anyone has an answer regarding adding dependent children yet? i can only add Parents and grand parents and not their dependents. please help!
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    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    The newly introduced program only shows that we are going to be ignored probably forever. At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if they cancelled the whole citizenship program all together temporarily or maybe permanently. They are not even bringing it up. They had the time to introduce a...
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    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    that's true. let's take an action. anyone who has any idea on how this can be organized, please speak up.
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    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    Well not everyone has the luxury of getting to choose. Not everyone's life is as easy as you think.
  11. D

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    Looks like we will be ignored for a very long time my friends https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2020/09/ircc-speeding-up-processing-for-spousal-applications.html
  12. D

    Please step forward for test, it's time now!

    After 6 months of IRCC employees getting paid from our tax money while chilling at home, they are only going to open one location in Vancouver and ONLY for re-testing. Seriously? At this pace, citizenship applications are going to take 5-6 years now!
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    Guys the point behind this thread is to encourage people to tweet under this hashtag. We are not here for discussion and analysis. As long as schools, malls, cinemas, bars, restaurants are open then there is no reason not to resume the citizenship tests.
  14. D

    Please step forward for test, it's time now!

    We all know that they will resume eventually! This is no news to anyone! But eventually could be a year, 2 years, 3 years.... who knows And it wouldn't hurt to try tweeting since that's all we can do at this point. MPs, just like IRCC employees, are still enjoying their long summer break while...
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    Hello All and especially those waiting for their citizenship applications to be processed with no visible light at the end of the tunnel. We are all tweeting under the hashtag #Resume_Citizenship_Tests To try and get the hashtag trending and maybe just maybe put some pressure on IRCC to end...
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    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    Yes, they are probably very busy getting paid and chilling on the beach to avoid getting infected with Covid19 while we have to go out risk our lives to pay their salaries in taxes.
  17. D

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    Discussions and comments here are more depressing than the delay itself! Can you all please focus and give us ideas how we can take an action. If anyone has any idea, please speak up. Thank you
  18. D

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    No, this is aimed at people who are not affected by any way with the citizenship applications delays and yet they come here, put up with reading long essays and take the time to write comments just to belittle the suffering of others and suggest that they should just "live with it".