Great news !! Would you please share your timeline? When did you apply initially and when file was trasfer to ISBD ? Please check some user from ISBD in , might get some clue.
I am in similar time frame. No Medical, nothing from LVO singapore. Don't see any hope before 2014 with the current speed of singapore. Feel Jealous who's file status shows decision made on CPP-Ottawa and who got medical from 2009 applicant. LOL !! Good luck everbody !!
>:( :( :'(
Nothing. Singapore LVO sucks !!! Not many people on the forum to compare.I think we are not expecting anything before next year(may be End of next year based on quota).They have around 2000 backlog. Got only 1000 Quota for 2012. Only 180 has been processed in 2012Q1. kmsn07's file was...
Need Some Help Guys. Sponsorship approved and My file Transfer to LVO Singapore in Jan 2012. I sponsor from Ontario. Now if I move to Quebec , What will happen. Should I inform CIC or LVO ? Should I apply for CSQ ? Will It Delay the Process ?
I believe your file was transfer to CPP-O. Still not clear how CIC will take decision on CPP-Ottawa file. Hope you will have sometning soon. At least compare to me you are in better position... LOL....
Wow !! Thats great news.Congrts !! one step ahead. Do you have any idea how long they take to stamp the visa after that ? Just trying to understand the trend.Hope it will be faster.
Would you share your timeline, when you applied, when approved, which LVO etc.. . If you select "Immigration File number/Application number" make sure go the right one. I found my one is F0000XXXXX format. it works for me.