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  1. thaovy99

    Please help for 3rd attempt

    You should focus on improving your application and profile instead of blaming Canada and VOs. That is not really nice.
  2. thaovy99

    Please help for 3rd attempt

    Canada does not have much population does not mean Canada has to accept everyone and anyone to the country. If Canada ever do so, the country can not stand where it stands right now.
  3. thaovy99

    Can I apply my PGWP while on another Study Permit. Please help I need it as soon as possible

    You can apply for PGWP. The new study visa is not a problem. Just keep in mind that PGWP is a life time opportunity. You can only get one PGWP.
  4. thaovy99

    Please help for 3rd attempt

    I dont see your point here. So according to you, applying to UNB can be rejected but magically you with your choice in University Canada West can stand a chance to get approval ?? UNB is ranked among the best 900 universities in the world. And UCW is ranked among 5000. Five thousand in the...
  5. thaovy99

    PR visa vs. Student visa

    Yes. But either you gonna get a PR status or a student visa is another problem. Visa officer dont reallly like "dual intention" and it's hard to convince VO about your real intention while applying for both.
  6. thaovy99

    Fake or Real?

    You have any degree, skills or experiences that no resident in the country have? Then you can maybe, just maybe get a job. If not, then forget about it
  7. thaovy99

    Please help for 3rd attempt

    I remember people warning you not to apply again with UCW. I warned you not to apply again with UCW. A senior economist DOES NOT go to UCW for an MBA. It is an obvious backward step. There will be no career progression as a result of that MBA. Now you see the consequences for going for a...
  8. thaovy99

    Can you change programs?

    To change to another course within the same institution/same university, you just need to inform IRCC using your CIC account. No further problem in this case. If you want to change to another program at another school, that is where the problem begins.
  9. thaovy99

    1st refusal

    As being said, go for a Master. Not diploma. I see professional experiences have little to do in your case. I am also a business student. Long story short, if you really want to have a proper education, go for a Master.
  10. thaovy99

    1st refusal

    Who keep saying that?
  11. thaovy99

    TR TO PR pathway

    yes if 1560 hours were all in health care position
  12. thaovy99

    Please what is the success rate of hiring immigration lawyer ?

    Hiring a lawyer only help you to prepare a stronger and more logical application. You don't get any "higher acceptance rate" cause that term on its own has not much meaning. As being said, there is no guarantee and keep in mind that you are responsible for your application with or without a...
  13. thaovy99

    Advanced dimploma 3years(co-op included) Vs Master in science 2 years

    1) Not all diploma has co-op option. 2) Very few Msc are funded. Very few. 3) Diploma value is inferior than Master value academically and professionally. 4) Getting a job or not depends on several factors (your background, experience, languages, abilities,...) not only the degree you have...
  14. thaovy99

    Need advice

    For sure.
  15. thaovy99

    Need advice

    You may and may not be asked for a new IELTS while your study permit is processed. We've seen both cases happened. And what is your IELTS score? For Jan 2022, apply before October is a good idea.
  16. thaovy99

    Help!My paternal uncle sponsoring me.

    VO would ask why your uncle should spend his whole life savings on YOUR studies. It simple makes no sense. How old are you anyways? We've seen people sponsored by non-parents, non immediate family get rejected. Let's be straight, 160k on his savings for your studies? Does not seem bonafide.
  17. thaovy99

    Cherche a job (je cherche de travail pour avoir une contrat )

    Pas d'offre d'emploi sur ce forum. Il est prèsque impossible de trouver un travail en étant hors du Canada.
  18. thaovy99

    Course change after approval but before travel

    You should be fine as long as you are not changing DLI and still at undergraduate level.
  19. thaovy99

    TEF Canada and TCF Canada comparison and preparation material

    Hi, I am also a french speaker that just got my TCF Canada done last month. I was also looking for the difference between TCF and TEF. So basically, there is 1 main difference between those 2. TEF is organized by a private institution, even though it is more well-known in Canada, there are...
  20. thaovy99

    When to expect a decision- please help

    For sure. You should raise a webform stating that the processing time is alrealdy passed and you are still waiting.