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  1. M

    Express Entry Score

    Interesting, that begs the question why is Canada inviting such candidates then ? maybe coz immigration is their primary source of funds these days?
  2. M

    How easy to get jobs in software Engineering?

    because of wait times ? stick to usa man....you dont know its value till you leave it.
  3. M


    such intelligent ppl.
  4. M

    Should I settle in Canada? Is it worth it?

    Oh My God, didnt know scores of immigrants have decided to move back because of 2 posts of mine in an obscure thread. But didnt move forward because of motivating posts of Hamgha's. Losers like you should stay away from these threads, who dont add any value to the discussion nor present any...
  5. M

    Should I settle in Canada? Is it worth it?

    Ah forum experts living in their own cocoon and commenting like life coaches. Scores n scores of new immigrants are working 2 jobs ... "willing to work for tremendous opportunities"....still ending up in basements for 3-5yrs, hoping for light at the end of tunnel. Now these cocooned experts...
  6. M

    Should I settle in Canada? Is it worth it?

    good for you. you are in top 1% of population. I guess your next step would be doing loads of charity work.
  7. M

    3 months health insurance when landing

    No, as mentioned earlier they will send you claim form for re-imbursement.
  8. M

    3 months health insurance when landing

    Its not bad. In-case you fall sick, ask them for their cashless hospital network and go there. Instead of claiming later ask them to fax their claim form so that you can avail insurance at the counter.
  9. M

    Should I settle in Canada? Is it worth it?

    I agree with the last post. Also if you can cut down on un-necessary expenses like 3 meals/day, good quality clothes or food, car , apartment (above-ground), then you can be happy.
  10. M

    3 months health insurance when landing

    good for you. opt for bluecross insurance then.
  11. M

    Is 80K CAD annual income in TORONTO enough for the family of 4?

    no, you will have difficult time, 2bed-room rent starts at 2200$ in toronto. I have seen ppl using their home country savings even after having a job for 1 year in Toronto. Calgary/Montreal you shd be fine.
  12. M

    3 months health insurance when landing

    DestCanada have very helpful Customer Care executives. They will ask you to fill up a form and send them along with your bills. They will then re-imburse by sending you a cheque. By the time, if at all, they send you a cheque (to God knows which address) you will already be in your home country...
  13. M

    350 insurable hours Sickness/EI Benefit

    As per latest news 4% Ontario population have hit poverty levels. To afford rent you need to skip 1 meal everyday.
  14. M

    Money + Jewellery

    shd be fine if you have purchase receipts along with them.
  15. M

    Phone and laptop

    Phone will work fine but thr are more call drops if you are using Asian phones. Better to buy phones here, they are cheap with plans.
  16. M

    Commission for renting a house

    Welcome to Canada. Be ready to sacrifice one meal/day to afford rent
  17. M

    Health insurance before landing.

    blue cross
  18. M

    Downtown Toronto without Car or Suburbs with Car

    sure thing !! 10th world lifestyle in first world country
  19. M

    Downtown Toronto without Car or Suburbs with Car

    carrying grocery cart around day in and day out is not easy either.
  20. M

    Where to Buy Winter Clothing in Toronto

    eddie bauer is always 50% off.