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  1. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    SO frustrating. We have a similar timeline so let's do this together haha
  2. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    I know some people who have received their OWP haven't updated it in the worksheet yet so if this is you, please do so here!! We're still waiting and it's been 3 months and 20 days *sigh* https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gm315tmNKWoywb7PwZBiE67fUmznYQrNhYVWXPXXJBw/edit#gid=1405936773
  3. J

    Can PA switch employers and still have implied status?

    The applicant is currently on a working holiday visa valid for only 1 year (non extendable). It expires this November but currently because he applied for PR+OWP and has received AOR, he will have implied status, allowing him to continue to work. We know that he cannot switch employers AFTER...
  4. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    Call cic tomorrow morning at 7:50am - that way you'll be the first in the cue and likely will speak to someone immediately. Say that it's been more than 4 months and that you were told to call if you didn't receive your OWP after 4 months (that's what they told us).
  5. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    Haha finally - congrats to you my friend! We called cic this morning. The lady said to call at the 4 month mark if we haven't received it. She said ours was in edmonton.
  6. J

    Working holiday visa DOES NOT count for implied status?

    What if the PA's country only allows for 1 year working holiday visa (not extendable). PA is from Belgium so only 1 year.
  7. J

    Working holiday visa DOES NOT count for implied status?

    Edit: We're now 4 weeks away from his WHV expiring and still have not received the OWP though it's been 3.5 months. Anyone?
  8. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    Where did you get this info (that wednesdays are high volume days)?
  9. J

    June applicant's still haven't received OWP but July applicants have!

    I called cic today and they said they are only processing June 4th OWP's. I told the agent that people who applied July 18th are already receiving theirs - what's up with that? He had no explanation. He also wouldn't tell me any info regarding our actual app because I wasn't the PA. It's been...
  10. J

    ****MAY 2019 Inland Spousal PR + OWP****

    Can you tell me what numbers you pressed when you called cic? Was it 1-1-1-2?
  11. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    I called cic and did that automated check thing because I couldn't reach a person. It said that if you applied for your OWP after June 22 2019 then the average wait time is 118 days. Then I called again and this time reached a rude French dude that kept sighing who told me he can't tell me...
  12. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    What day did you submit your app?
  13. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    When did you send your application?
  14. J

    JULY 2019 *Inland* Spousal Sponsorship

    Just curious but wouldn't sending back to edmonton just delay it further?
  15. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    What day did you receive AOR? Looks like only one person received medical: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gm315tmNKWoywb7PwZBiE67fUmznYQrNhYVWXPXXJBw/edit#gid=1781490796
  16. J

    JULY 2019 *Inland* Spousal Sponsorship

    Is it only the OWP that was sent to Ottawa, or the PR application as well? Basically what I'm asking is: If we were sent to ottawa, will the entire PR process also be delayed?
  17. J

    JULY 2019 *Inland* Spousal Sponsorship

    How do you know whether you're processed in ottawa or edmonton?
  18. J

    JULY 2019 *Inland* Spousal Sponsorship

    It's so frustrating that so many of July applicants have received their OWP. I mean, that's obviously great for you guys but half of June applicant's still haven't received theirs and we're coming up on 4 months.
  19. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    I think you need to calm down a bit - you can track other applicants' progress on this spreadsheet. You can see that many June applicant's are still waiting for their OWP approval.
  20. J

    *JUNE 2019* INLAND Spousal Sponsorship

    I'm going to make this a game: Based on June's timeline, I'm predicting I'll get OWP October 8th. I'm very jealous of the people that applied in July. I should have just waited an extra 5 days to apply and I would have had my OWP a month sooner haha